[hider=Trixi] Name: Amber (Trixi) Hex Combat Magic Ability:Limited~Low Tier Arena Classification Range: Mild Realism/Low Powered Dominant Hand: Right [center][b]~}|Appearance|{~[/b][/center] [hider] Race: Human (mutant) Sex: Female Age: 21 HT: 5'7" WT: 137 lbs EY: Light Forest Green HR: Rich Apple Red SK: White Description: Trixi, on the outside, doesn’t look like much to the untrained eyes. Her casual wear often consists of a tunic blouse, jeans and boots giving her a modern yet energetic look to her appearance. A fair skinned woman of 21 years, she has short red hair often kept in a short cut reaching down to her neck base and curls inward to her face as if to frame it. Her green eyes seem to glow and dance with a touch of energy, often giving her a mischievous aura. A soft, heart shaped face tops a lithe yet agile built despite her strength training. She doesn’t have much of bust through her ass is pretty tone from her focus on agility and speed. Currently she’s dressed in her night shift attire which doesn’t fully even the odds against minor demons and other supernatural creatures, but it does offer protection without completely breaking her bank all at once. [/hider] [center][b]~}|Equipment|{~[/b][/center] [hider][b]Armor[/b] Bust [indent] Head/face: N/A Neck: N/A Shoulders: N/A Chest/Torso: Light Armor made from a military grade material, similar to leather armor though, which is in the guise of her jacket. It can resist slash and cutting damage, even sealed against common elements such as water and cold. [/indent] Arms [indent] Upper arms: N/A Forearms: N/A Wrists: N/A [/indent] Lower Half [indent] Waist/Hips: Pouch belt including- Conductive Wiring supplies, Kunai knives, and detachable holders for her batons. Legs: Slightly loose, flexible material similar to her jacket. Feet: High grade military boots made to resist abrasion and extremely durable to weather or harsh conditions. [/indent] [b]Weapons[/b] [center][img] [/img][/center] Weapon Description: Trixi uses two metal, collapsible batons made designed to take a beating from claws, swords, and other weapons that demons could easily use against her. At the end of her weapons is a small, half inch thick strap which hooks to her wrist and prevents it from flying far from her grasp should she be disarmed. When needed, Trixi can easily send her electrical current through them and use them in the same manner as her taser hands, the default power the same. Size: * Total Length: 16 inches long each Modifications:[indent] In the handle of each are capacitors, each able to hold a single charge and can discharge it to create a more powerful jolt to her attack. 1 charge = 4 seconds and about .005 amps. [/indent] [b]Additional Items[/b] Conductive Wiring: Thanks to a few contacts within her community, Trixi always have a supplier for specialized wiring to use along with her Electrokinesis. Flexible and thin like thread, this wire is made of steel to make it more durable to merely being tugged apart or ripped. Sharp implicates such as blades, daggers or similar edges can still cut it. When applied with an electrical current, such as either her Snap, Crackle, and Pop or her Hand Tasers ability, it amplifies it with minimal stress or effort on her part causing it to become similar to an electrified fencing on contact. [indent] total: 100 yards- 50 used in the Kunai[/indent] Kunai (steel): Each Kunai is about 15 cm long, from blade tip to ring end and design in mind to be conductive. Among the sharpest edge one can get, they are also thick enough to stand being throw into wooden surfaces and the ground to hold firm. [indent] x5 Kunai with about 10 yards of wire attached to each one and a clip, one that easily fasten fast or release from a metal ring on her belt thanks to a powerful magnet on the end. She can easily discharge or charge it with her own biological charge, however she’s been unable to affect anything else. x10 Kunai which she can use for throwing, makeshift weapons or other creative ideas that come into her mind. [/indent] [/hider] [center][b]~}|Natural abilities|{~[/b][/center] [hider][b]Senses[/b] Sight- Human- 20/20 vision Smell- Human Touch- Human Taste- Human Sound- Human [b]Natural Stats[/b] Since Trixi is a mutant, her anatomy is almost the exact same as a normal human save for one difference. She’s basically a walking generator so her electrical stimulation has started to increase her own natural stats into in the peak condition find in most athletes. Strength- Trixi was able to bench press about 175 lbs easily after taking strength and weight training. When her abilities showed up, that increased it to up to 500 lbs but anything over it begins to become a strain. Speed- In a sprint, Trixi can reach up 10 seconds flat in a 100 m distance race when she puts all her energy into it. Her reflexes, reaction time and ability to turn on dime reflect this, being close or marginally above human levels. Stamina- Trixi’s training has focused on outlasting her foes, usually demons or monsters, as she might be running for her life or trying to tire them in combat until she discovers a weakness. She has hone this to the state of olympic athletes enabling her to withstand extreme temperatures as low as -13 F (-25 C) and high as 120 F (49 C) for several hours without the proper equipment, any more and it will start to affect her. While pacing herself, she can run up to 350 miles for 80 hours without sleep. However, she’s still human and doing this continually will wear her down over time making her collapse abruptly at the end. [/hider] [b][center][b]~}|Magic|{~[/b][/center][/b] [hider] Name: Electrokinesis Description: Trixi can create and manipulate her [u][i]own[/i][/u] source of electricity thanks to her ability of influencing the electrons and protons in the air. However instead of being able to literally use her skin or the very air itself to conduct her electrical attacks and fry every living being in a certain area, this ability is primarily discharged out of her hands. Since it stems from herself, Trixi can manipulate everything from the amps to the concentration put into each attack, allowing this broad ability to be divided into three focused areas. [indent] * [u]Snap, Crackle, and Pop![/u] By increasing the focus in her hand and letting it build, Trixi can force an electrical current within the palm of her hand(s) then gradually build up. She can create a one shot lightning like blast at a target and will cause serious damage if it directly hits. It acts and looks like lightning but both its power and speed are reduced compared to the real deal. The fastest it can travel is at 50-60 mph and into a straight line from her location. [indent] Type and Range: Offensive and Long (Reach is up to 4 meters/about 13 foot) Preps required: Can be casted any time, but the longer the prep is charged than stronger it becomes. Every 4 seconds it increases the amps by .05, the starting amp is .04. Duration: If Trixi is interrupted while charging before reaching the next charge then she has to restart all over, losing any seconds for the particular charge. However she can release the current charge at any time she wishes but the power increase will depend on how many charges she has completed. [/indent] * [u]Hand Taser![/u] Focusing her electrical current through her hands, they become decent quality tasers (.04 amps in each hand) that can shock briefly with each touch. Thi soften leaves the area on contact numb for a few seconds or shorter, depending on the individual's experience and resistance to electricity. The longer contact is held then the more powerful the shock can become and the highest it can reach is enough to kill a full grown human at around .15 amps. However, this takes up to a minute to reach such a level even with conductive elements to give it a boost. [indent] Type and Range: Offensive and Close Range (Contact) Preps required: Due to the limited range and non-lethal aspect, this ability doesn’t require preps to activate. However prolong touch can cause issues since it increases amps with contact, edging into effects that associate with being hit by large amounts of electricity like numbness, loss of motor function, and even paralysis of the heart. Duration: Being her prime offensive measures, the tingling effects last 2-3 seconds after each touch. Continual hits to the same area can create a numbness over time and followed by other more dangerous side effects. [/indent] *[u]Flash Bang! [/u] Fisting up her hand, Trixi creates a small, bluish white orb made in the center of her palm. Charging for about 6 seconds, she can abruptly release it and douse a small area of 3 meters (in circumference) in pure light. The light is bright enough to blind any individual within the set range and for couple seconds, at least 2-3, or longer depending on the individual’s recovery rate. This ability is a double edged sword however because if Trixi doesn’t brace and close her eyes fast enough, she can be caught in the crossfire. Losing her sight for several precious moments could mean surviving or death. [indent] Type and Range: Defensive and Close to Mid range. Preps required: Unlike the other attacks, this spell doesn’t have a charging prep that can make it stronger. Instead it requires the full 6 seconds to charge before it can be used. Duration: The attack lasts for about 2-3 seconds before it starts to fade, getting dimmer until it fades at 5 seconds. [/indent] [/indent] [/hider] [b][center]~}|Adapted/Learned Skills|{~[/center][/b] [hider] [b]Weapons Training[/b] [indent] ~Baton and Knife (Kunai) training [/indent] [b]Fighting Style/Flavors[/b] [indent] ~Trixi’s style takes influences from combat forms like kali, arnis, escrima, and many other sources that’s not easy to keep track of. In a more general sense, her style is more of a hodge podge mix which started off in kali then evolved as she learned more. Her preferred tactic is to avoid her opponent’s attacks while ducking in close to land her own, gradually wearing them down with her offensive ability. With her focus on both speed and endurance, this has been rather effective for her. [/indent] [/hider] [b][center]~}|Additional Information|{~[/center][/b] [hider] [b]Bio/Summary:[/b] A mutant girl turned monster hunter and most recently, plane traveller, her humble origins of being in a broken home and surviving her drunken dad’s abuse was long behind her. Things seemed to change the day she went into puberty and her powers started to emerge. First it was physical only as she met a cute guy named Salem with a reckless, wild nature who showed her the truth about the night. That it was filled with monsters that went bump in the darkness. Gradually she was changing into a more animated and wild side of her once timid personality, adopting the nickname Trixi due to her mischievious appearance. At 16, she learned why when Salem relieved his true nature as a incubus. It was the first time she was able to physically manifest her abilities with electricity when he tried to force himself onto her. She tasered his groin which resulted in her being sent out the window and crashing into the street from the third story apartment. Bloody and broken, she tried to crawl away only to be seized by Salem before both were shortly caught into a Devil’s Snare rune trap set by her would be mentor, Samuel Rictor. After it was all over, Trixi awoke to find three things that ruined her entire life. First she was too damaged and broken to live on her and wouldn't heal right without Samuel’s help. Second it seemed magic and mutation didn’t mix well because when she attempted to get Salem off her, the two energies merged forcing a type of ‘familiar bond’ between the incubus and her. Finally… the very home and life she had was blown up in the result of her mutant ability and his magic clashing. Everything she knew, herself included, was declared dead at the scene. It was a brand new start whether she wanted it or not. For the next five years, Trixi was tossed into the supernatural world and taught to sink or swim as Samuel mentored her. Her powers weren’t as flexible as the mage’s but he made sure she would make it out of each of his assignments with only the necessary injuries. This taught her how to think through pain and make the most of it, her abilities getting better and more powerful with time. Now… she just had to survive his next hairbrained scheme of dimension/plane hopping. Next stop, The Black Mountain. Whoopie. [/hider][/hider]