[h3][center]Niel Grace[/center][/h3] [center][@fourtimesnine][/center] She seemed honestly frustrated, but he wasn't sure why. He'd said he was looking for a place to stay right? Hm. His phone still had no service and he'd kept it around more for something to fiddle with than anything else. Niel knew phone guy could use it but that didn't mean that other people could. Maybe. [b]"I'd like sharing a room. I can probably pay for a third of rent for a while until I see if that application gets through."[/b] assuming it wasn't too pricey. He hadn't checked the his hat money, but from the weight of it he had racked in more than usual. Niel would have to personally check in at the restaurant everyday to see if he'd been considered yet and he should probably apply elsewhere as well. One thing at a time though. [b]"I've got nowhere to be and my phone doesn't work anymore so I guess I'll just follow you around since I don't want to keep you away from your gym thingy. If that's alright."[/b] Niel added hurriedly at the end. She had said he could follow her but he didn't want to be a nuisance. Since Kim was apparently a gymnast the explained the underlying grace he'd sense from her, as well as the ease of which she'd followed his moves with.