[color=662d91][h2]Sachiko Kanno[/h2][/color] [color=662d91]"Understood thank you honored instructors"[/color] Sachiko said with a slight bow of her head before she left to follow the rest. Her thoughts though was racing a mile a minute. Not only was her sister admitted to a hospital but there was also people watching to make she was ok this was beyond what she hoped for. For once perhaps she was going to be able to move on with her sister being cared for she was able to focus on her tasks at hand. Without really noticing a smile graced her lips things was finally looking up but one thought plagued her mind she wanted freedom from her past. Something she thought she torn at the seams separating herself from her present and past though here she was taking a plunge promising to use her past skills to get help for her sister. No she thought to herself her choice was was a good one if she had to kill again than she would do so if it meant the safety of her sister. With that thought in mind she walked forward the group of her "peers" was meeting at the shopping district to buy the needed equipment but something told her that she might be walking into a metaphorical mine field that might end up with her being in closer contact with the odd one known as Ayumu. No matter how much thought and time she put into thinking about it she could never figure out what he gained from contact with her. [color=662d91]"Though what would happen if he knew all along about the whole situation and used that as a way to get closer to a future peer?"[/color] She muttered to herself as finally found the group. Continuing with her thoughts though [color=662d91]"If that is the case than his earlier attempts would make perfect sense. Either way I will need to keep my guard up more often around him just in case."[/color] She muttered to her self once more. [color=662d91]"I hope I am not to late I had some final clarifications I needed to clear up."[/color] Sachiko said outloud as jogged lightly to the group.