Honor? Honor. A mortal concept to limit one's self and judge others based on their actions. It happened on every planet where power had grown, even in the smallest degree. It's conjured by weak people who fear the strength of others, so they attempt to put a limiter on the abilities of others. The ability demonstrated by this warlord. This Tetsue. Was honor given form. As the smoke cleared, and Tetsue had turned away from The Baron, the divine had half a mind to obliterate him with a crushing blast of sound. To humiliate him in death by killing him for daring to turn his back to the great beast. Because honor is stupid to someone who actually has power. Food? Food. Food! It was smarter to just take the upstart's behavior at face value, The Baron had felt an intense hatred inside of him. That was really all he had wanted in the first place. That hatred would linger, the sick excitement from earlier had faded and was replaced with a disappointed anger. Honor tends to give people an exaggerated sense of how the world works, and Tetsue was no different from any other mortal. A whirling and violent ball of crimson energy spun itself inside of his mouth, the light emitted by it was illuminating the insides of his mouth. The Baron closed its mouth and let the sound dissipate slowly through his pores, it was so compressed that it left him like steam from a kettle. Leaving him alive was the smartest solution, that lingering hatred would be fresh for days. Maybe weeks. Perhaps years. A storm was coming, and The Baron had stirred in a small seed of distaste. That's all that he needed, a smidgen of uncertainty, a dash of hatred, and a shake of sadness. Whatever it took to leave lingering emotion. The Baron turned away from Tetsue, the four clones dissipating and drifting towards the Goliath as he left the battlefield. So too did the crescent on his ankle break apart, he had kept it safe, just for one move that never came. The Divine had not won this battle, but he had served the purpose he was designed for. So too would the fear linger in the Earthling's hearts, from their city being destroyed to the rift that had opened up and unleashed a wave of terrifying beasts. The great beast that had carried The Baron down to the Earth's surface extended its foreleg, a long claw-like appendage, and allowed The Baron to grab hold. It pulled the giant towards its head and placed it behind the horn, then took off like a rocket into the sky above. The sonic cone that formed around its head broke just a moment before it accelerated to atmospheric exit speeds. The Sky parted in its wake as it left the Earth to re-enter the portal, where the thousands of other Wanderers had already begun to pour into the portal. The Divine was far from done here, but he was drawing his hand back for now.