[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LfErXKU.jpg[/IMG] [color=#040404]_[/color][color=#040a0e]_[/color][color=#041019]_[/color][color=#041623]_[/color][color=#041c2e]_[/color][color=#052138]_[/color][color=#052743]_[/color][color=#052d4d]_[/color][color=#053358]_[/color][color=#053962]_[/color][color=#053f6d]_[/color][color=#054577]_[/color][color=#054b82]_[/color][color=#05518c]_[/color][color=#055797]_[/color][color=#065ca1]_[/color][color=#0662ac]_[/color][color=#0668b6]_[/color][color=#066ec1]_[/color][color=#0674cb]_[/color][color=#0c74c7]_[/color][color=#1375c3]_[/color][color=#1975bf]_[/color][color=#1f76bb]_[/color][color=#2576b6]_[/color][color=#2c77b2]_[/color][color=#3277ae]_[/color][color=#3878aa]_[/color][color=#3e78a6]_[/color][color=#4579a2]_[/color][color=#4b799e]_[/color][color=#517a9a]_[/color][color=#577a96]_[/color][color=#5e7b92]_[/color][color=#647b8d]_[/color][color=#6a7c89]_[/color][color=#707c85]_[/color][color=#777d81]_[/color][color=#7d7d7d]_[/color][color=#777d81]_[/color][color=#707c85]_[/color][color=#6a7c89]_[/color][color=#647b8d]_[/color][color=#5e7b92]_[/color][color=#577a96]_[/color][color=#517a9a]_[/color][color=#4b799e]_[/color][color=#4579a2]_[/color][color=#3e78a6]_[/color][color=#3878aa]_[/color][color=#3277ae]_[/color][color=#2c77b2]_[/color][color=#2576b6]_[/color][color=#1f76bb]_[/color][color=#1975bf]_[/color][color=#1375c3]_[/color][color=#0c74c7]_[/color][color=#0674cb]_[/color][color=#066ec1]_[/color][color=#0668b6]_[/color][color=#0662ac]_[/color][color=#065ca1]_[/color][color=#055797]_[/color][color=#05518c]_[/color][color=#054b82]_[/color][color=#054577]_[/color][color=#053f6d]_[/color][color=#053962]_[/color][color=#053358]_[/color][color=#052d4d]_[/color][color=#052743]_[/color][color=#052138]_[/color][color=#041c2e]_[/color][color=#041623]_[/color][color=#041019]_[/color][color=#040a0e]_[/color][color=#040404]_[/color] [b]Aboard the Behemoth; Luan Fields.[/b] [color=#040404]_[/color][color=#040a0e]_[/color][color=#041019]_[/color][color=#041623]_[/color][color=#041c2e]_[/color][color=#052138]_[/color][color=#052743]_[/color][color=#052d4d]_[/color][color=#053358]_[/color][color=#053962]_[/color][color=#053f6d]_[/color][color=#054577]_[/color][color=#054b82]_[/color][color=#05518c]_[/color][color=#055797]_[/color][color=#065ca1]_[/color][color=#0662ac]_[/color][color=#0668b6]_[/color][color=#066ec1]_[/color][color=#0674cb]_[/color][color=#0c74c7]_[/color][color=#1375c3]_[/color][color=#1975bf]_[/color][color=#1f76bb]_[/color][color=#2576b6]_[/color][color=#2c77b2]_[/color][color=#3277ae]_[/color][color=#3878aa]_[/color][color=#3e78a6]_[/color][color=#4579a2]_[/color][color=#4b799e]_[/color][color=#517a9a]_[/color][color=#577a96]_[/color][color=#5e7b92]_[/color][color=#647b8d]_[/color][color=#6a7c89]_[/color][color=#707c85]_[/color][color=#777d81]_[/color][color=#7d7d7d]_[/color][color=#777d81]_[/color][color=#707c85]_[/color][color=#6a7c89]_[/color][color=#647b8d]_[/color][color=#5e7b92]_[/color][color=#577a96]_[/color][color=#517a9a]_[/color][color=#4b799e]_[/color][color=#4579a2]_[/color][color=#3e78a6]_[/color][color=#3878aa]_[/color][color=#3277ae]_[/color][color=#2c77b2]_[/color][color=#2576b6]_[/color][color=#1f76bb]_[/color][color=#1975bf]_[/color][color=#1375c3]_[/color][color=#0c74c7]_[/color][color=#0674cb]_[/color][color=#066ec1]_[/color][color=#0668b6]_[/color][color=#0662ac]_[/color][color=#065ca1]_[/color][color=#055797]_[/color][color=#05518c]_[/color][color=#054b82]_[/color][color=#054577]_[/color][color=#053f6d]_[/color][color=#053962]_[/color][color=#053358]_[/color][color=#052d4d]_[/color][color=#052743]_[/color][color=#052138]_[/color][color=#041c2e]_[/color][color=#041623]_[/color][color=#041019]_[/color][color=#040a0e]_[/color][color=#040404]_[/color][/center] [color=7d7d7d]The tone and temperament of the room swiveled to align loosely with a scantily suppressed frenzy of disarray. As the bubbly blonde vixen jerked from her berth to impel her fae like features upon one of the lieutenants Dach lolled her head across her shoulders and coiled her fingertips inducing a pop from a few select digits. Rejuvenated with the release of pressure a lissome finger clicked a myriad of trigger numerations and the particle accelerators attended the room with a cinereal hum. Without a clear leader it was to be expected that the disarray would culminate in a haphazard and reactionary migration of allies. Her refusal to be dragged along into this mobocracy was punctuated by depositing two buds past the metal lacing and into her ear cavity so that a juxtaposition of placid and harsh moxie seeped into her form, inducted by a turgid [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXSdUo7O89s]melody[/url] littered with motivating intonations. The buds were pre programmed SOLDIER tech to allow default override of Libra contact and auto adjust to exterior vocal cues; enough to pull a reverie about the connoisseur of extermination, but not enough to detach the demon spun girl entirely. Lashes forced closure on those rosewood iris’ and her non-tech glasses were tossed on to the barren seat to her right. Eyes, denied the lambent light, were met with a gloved digit that kneaded across the nerve bundle at her nasion and tear ducts; tempting focus. The ear buds chorus caused a subtle oscillation, visible in the escaped strands of drowned chanticleer that flitted upon her cheeks and over the barren nape of her neck. She coerced the air about her to completely press at the occupancy limit of her lungs, and then expelled it all in a meditative woo-sah. As the back of the Behemoth yawned and took in the outside world, the opened eyes that greeted the now oppressive lighting of the Behemoth were different; tinged in an enigma of vague cloudy blue, determined, and rapacious. It flickered there for a second as her pupils pulsed to acclimate to the provided light, but as she moved towards the hatch that led to the upper bunker-like turret, housing some of the on-board defensive weaponry, her eyes appeared neutral, if resigned. She watched the giggling optimistic Valkyrie as she darted out into field, pursued, thankfully, by the mountainous piece of fiery man meat. She had always associated the concept of bravery with stupidity or naivety, usually an intercourse of both, so she felt no guilt in not prancing after her associates. Her usefulness had long ago been quartered and bred, and it had purposefully been denied the interjection of battle madness. She had /other/ skills.[/color] [color=black][i]2 seconds since the initial departure from the Behemoth.[/i][/color] [color=7d7d7d]She waited as one red shirt climbed the ladder past the hatch and intercepted the second with a squeeze of his shoulder so she could ascend in his stead. The area was cramped with the two of them and the mounted rotating weaponry that peeked from heavy metal alloy slats. She doubted Kain could even make it through the hatch, and if he did, he would surely need assistance being removed. When the first red shirt, Allen, clearly expecting someone else, gave her a puzzled look she motioned towards the slats, [/color] [color=0674cb]“[b]C[/b]an we open this up a bit?”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]Allen looked unsure and his lack of confidence boosted her authority.[/color] [color=black][i]14 seconds since the initial departure from the Behemoth.[/i][/color] [color=0674cb]“[b]W[/b]e’ll lose integrity on the outer turret hull,”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]Allen finally managed to squeeze out, expression unchanged.[/color] [color=black][i]18 seconds since the initial departure from the Behemoth.[/i][/color] [color=0674cb]“[b]B[/b]ut we’ll gain more clarity on the overall situation.”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]She’d already deduced this decision would not endanger the Behemoth overall, or any of the people contained within; cue a flicker of her eyes to the hatch. If the monster birds garnered the tactical reasoning to rip out the soon-to-be-more-exposed section the only danger would be to her and Allen.[/color] [color=0674cb]“[b]I[/b], I can’t authorize…”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]She’d stopped listening to him. She was quite aware this was a time sensitive situation. Initiative and guesswork had her flipping a few cumbersome bulky chunks of metal, some likely unnecessary, and raising the slat of the sanctuary; just enough to get an encompassing view of the enemy riddled sky and the plains between their Behemoth and the other SOLDIERs. The thick bulky metal rested reassuringly at her back, offering coverage from behind; plus, Allen was there.[/color] [color=black][i]28 seconds since the initial departure from the Behemoth.[/i][/color] [color=7d7d7d]Rifle stand was unlatched from the belly of the exquisite reaper and she hastily nestled into the dear dear friend, no time for foreplay. She clicked a few buttons, fingers playing across the metal with the skilled touch of biblical knowledge, maybe a little foreplay, in return she received the pleasing hum of the doom song against her cheek, the actual tone was lost and muddled with her melodic inter-phase, coaxing her attention instead with a dampened vibration.[/color] [color=0674cb]“[b]L[/b]ibra system link initiate.”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]The sentience of the Rifle went so far as to begin scrolling readings across the HUB display; wind, distance and other environmental variants. After the link with Libra was solidified her communication took on the semblance of secrets shared between lovers; her cheek nuzzled into the heart of the rifle while her lips purred commands that had an eldritch eeriness riding them into reality. The foreign tongue that fell from those lips was an offshoot of ancient Banngan dialect, something she’d gained familiarity with in the underbelly of crime. [i]Someone was always listening.[/i] It had an abrasive and clipped rhythm that allowed words to run an abundance of knowledge quickly through the out of date vocal cues of humans. It was wrapped in the added bonus of catering to hiss’ and clicks that brought to mind the ancient cults of their presumed dead pagan culture. Utterly foreign and nonsensical to the unattuned; eerie and uncomfortable. She loved it and she’d programmed it into the R-36 herself. The barrel of the rifle traced the speculated combat zone as she whispered. Something that tumbled for her lips initiated[/color] [color=DA70D6]orchid[/color] [color=7d7d7d]auras around friendlies. She tagged the enemy targets in the same manner, though they earned a[/color] [color=FF8C00]tawny[/color] [color=7d7d7d]aura, blazing across the sky with the additional trajectory and speed tags.[/color] [color=0674cd]“[b]/chit/[/b]rac fu’ln bek.”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]Tags grouped the birds into the two groups; the imminent threat and those rapidly closing in. Each target also had its own specific designation if, and when, the grouping dispersed or reassigned. The rifle pinged and captured as her lips coaxed a promise of acquisition from the awaiting rifle. Two waves, patterns of intelligent design, focus, focus... The earbuds ceased, detecting Allen murmuring behind her.[/color] [color=0674cd]“[b]W[/b]hat, what are you even saying? Creepy bitch.”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]Fuckin’ Allen. She could taste his confusion and it twisted those lips into something deviant and egged a chilling,[/color] [color=0674cd]“[b]K[/b]ill ‘em all Allen, kill ‘em all!” “[b]M[/b], my name is Thomas.”[/color] [color=7d7d7d]Like it mattered. That stutter was adorable though.[/color] [color=black][i]39 seconds since the initial departure from the Behemoth.[/i][/color] [color=7d7d7d]A calm settled over their shared bunker reminiscent of the peace and clarity that comes during the adrenaline boost of a particularly wretched car crash. Her lips halted their movement, all movement, muscles tensed and the generic sense of self dissipated as she led the bird across the sky. This was not her first interaction with these aerial monsters, though her first, and last, was in a sunken shady black market and she now realized that bird must have been infantile in relation. Through the scope, even at a kilometers distance, the bird was a dreadful creature to behold. She would later dwell on the hatred and malice entombed in the intelligent precision of their facial structure in an earthbound kamikaze. You had to admire their dedication. [i]It was a shame to destroy something so beautifully designed, so dreadfully perfect at this one game they all played.[/i] One of those spindly digits tensed against the trigger, the only movement to betray the hunt other than a small hiss that slipped from betwixt her lips with every shot, all tracing through the sky at a single eagle target.[/color] [color=black][i]First shot from the R-36 fired 40 seconds after the initial departure from the Behemoth.[/i][/color][center]… … … … … [color=0674cd][b]S[/b]ingle Target[/color] [color=black]||[/color] [color=0674cd][b]T[/b]welve Rounds[/color] [color=black]||[/color] [color=0674cd][b]E[/b]agle D[/color] [color=black]||[/color] [color=0674cd][b]B[/b]ehemoth Bunker[/color][/center]