In the brief few moments Chitoge had lowered her guard, Shin was able to get a glimpse of her eyepatch, though he said nothing about it as he also noticed the girl was doing her best to hide it from him. Once she had stepped inside, he followed, removing his shoes and closing the umbrella. [color=lightblue]"You're not bothering anyone, Himeno, I'm the only one home right now."[/color] he said casually while removing his jacket and hanging it up. He gave her a smile, [color=lightblue]"Wait here, I'll get you a towel so you can dry off first."[/color] he said to her. He returned with a towel for her and handed it over, [color=lightblue]"Once you've dried your hair, I'll show you where the bathroom is. I'm sure you're freezing, I'll check my sister's room for something you can borrow until your clothes dry."[/color] he told her. Now that she was inside and he was able to get a better look at her, he had to admit she looked very cute, even with the eyepatch she had. [i][color=lightblue]A cute girl like that? She [b]has[/b] to have a boyfriend already, there's just no way possible she couldn't.[/color][/i] he thought to himself, perhaps staring at her for a little longer than he should have. He realized this and coughed, shaking his head clear, [i][color=lightblue]What am I thinking? I barely know this girl and I'm thinking like that? Geez, I really need to get a grip.[/color][/i] he mentally scolded himself. Once she was done drying her hair, he showed her to the bathroom, then left her to find a change of clothes. [i][color=lightblue]Hmm...sis sure does have a lot of clothes. Then again, she's a girl after all.[/color][/i] he thought, going through his sister's closet. He sighed, recalling another memory from the past, [i][color=lightblue]I guess they're all like that, huh?[/color][/i] he thought. He finally found something he thought was suitable, a pair of red shorts and a plain red shirt, something his sister barely wore anymore. After gathering what else was needed, he returned to the bathroom and set the clothes just outside the door, knocking on it afterwards. [color=lightblue]Himeno? I set the clothes outside the door here, I hope they fit. Oh, and if you feel like taking a shower, feel free to."[/color] he called through the door. He left shortly afterwards, deciding to wait for her in the living room, flipping the television on. His mind began to wander to the past once more, [i][color=lightblue]It's been six months since then, I wonder if she's forgotten all about me by now? I wonder if everyone from 'there' have forgotten me as well? I know recruiting season is almost there, wonder how many new people from our school will be able to install Brain Burst? Brain Burst...the accelerated much as I miss it, I...can't ever go back there. Not now. Not ever.[/color][/i] he thought as he just stared at the television. He sighed, [color=lightblue]"Nope, it's just too troublesome."[/color] he said, folding his hands together and putting them on the back of his head. [@GrafRoy Zeppeli]