[color=ec008c]"Go to-Ah! Damn it!"[/color] Fram responded as her mobile suit was shot in the shoulder by Stella who proceeded to open up as much rifle fire as possible onto Fram.[color=fff200]"I'm not going to die here....I'm not going to die here!"[/color] Stella said starting to panic even though the situation was starting to improve in their favor. The remaining members of Beta Team rallied on their leader though they had lost a couple of their members they had taken out more than their fair share of the opposition while the aggro was focused on Sandrock. The suit's armor had relegated the useless shots fired by the zaku to peashooter shots. [color=00a651]"Damn it! I've had enough of this!"[/color] Beta Leader growled as he grabbed a fallen bazooka and fired on the walls collapsing a whole side of the ruins ontop of a quarter of the remaining zaku who were too slow too dodge or were otherwise preoccupied. The remaining zaku started to route at the sight of their ace pilot being defeated by an enemy gundam. They themselves were quickly realizing their own weapons were useless on the Sandrock. They couldn't even radio their commander for assistance due to the jamming. What was supposed to be a quick and effective ambush quickly turned into what amounted to a butchery on the wrong side. [b]"Who are you people!? Why are you so strong!?"[/b] one of the younger enemy pilots shouted as he fell back only to be shot in the back by Beta Leader. [color=00a651]"Worthless...absolutely worthless..."[/color] Beta Leader growled in disgust. He had lost his men to these people!? His long time friends and allies!? They were running after THEY pulled off an ambush!? ZAFT....Zeon...it seemed everyone was pulled from the same damnable cloth. At least those Earth Feds the previous day had put up a fight. These cowards had killed numerous comrades in arms. They had forced him to do bury his own men...it wasn't something he enjoyed doing ever...no man should ever have to bury their friends before their time. But they were soldiers they knew the risks but that didn't ease their passing. A brazen Zaku tried to ambush Donna from behind but Beta Leader shot a beam axe out of his hand and then shot the enemy down swiftly. ==== Yzak dropped his beam saber as the full force of the blow delivered by Jack's suit he hadn't been expecting that he had been waiting for the idiot to charge at him so he could parry and cut him to ribbons. The following shots from the CIWS from Jack just served to annoy Yzak even more as the mobile suit shrugged off the shots even they there were close Phase Shift nullified any advantage that gave to Jack. [color=f9ad81]"You want to fight up close!? Fine!"[/color] Yzak shouted as he reached up and grabbed the neck of Jack's duel and started to slowly strange the machine's main camera. [color=f9ad81]"If you know jack about our suit then you know that once you lose that camera it's over you piece of trash!"[/color] ==== Graham had control of his fight against the enemy sniper it wasn't even much of a challenge even with the advancements in her suit in comparison to his. It had actually made Graham Aker somewhat angry. If this girl had taken a shot at his allies and had this level of skill then it only proved the point that children didn't belong on a real battlefield. This whole situation was one whole debacle that he didn't think he'd ever see happen. He saw the burst of light coming from the ruins out of the corner of his eye during a U-Turn dodge and from experience he knew that meant that one gundam the one they called Virtue had opened fire. Nena Trinity that little sociopath hopefully she didn't kill any of their allies in that shot. The suit flailed and shot wildly at him in an attempt to get a lucky shot in at Graham but the Flag in his hands was too fast and too random to actually land a good hit on. [color=00aeef]"What is a girl like you doing on this battlefield? You have no right being here if this is all you have! Where's your warrior's pride!?"[/color] Graham demanded of the sniper who responded that she didn't even want to be here in the first place and she didn't need to answer to him and that she'd do her best to get back to her friends. Graham chuckled, [color=0072bc]"A noble goal but it won't be enough if you can't beat me!"[/color]