[center][h2][colour=SlateGray]Yoshiki Kaibara[/colour][/h2][/center] [b]3,2,1, BEGIN![/b] Everything happened at once. At first, he could only hear the sound of the countdown, coupled with his breathing. But then, in a second, he heard the sound of an avatar spawning in. Was this the Shizuka person that was in the difficulty, or was it Keiko coming to watch the show? Yoshiki turned, and saw a small panda/humanoid looking figure spawn in on a balcony that he hadn't seen before. He definitely would've seen it if it was there before hand, right? And then, through his head and the entire room, the words [i]BEGIN![/i] rang out, surprising Yoshiki a severe amount. As he turned back around, he brought the sword in his hand up, narrowly blocking the AI from cleaving off his head. And then it came back for a second attack, this time from the left, to which he blocked again. For a third attack, the robot brought its sword straight across from the right, colliding with Yoshiki's sword and staying there, both pushing against each other, shaking along with the sound of rattling metal. Yoshiki stepped forward, pushing the AI away, causing it to lose balance slightly. Seizing the opportunity, he lept forward, swiping from the right downwards on a diagonal to cut the things arm off, but to no avail. Instead, the AI blocked it, locking its sword in with Yoshiki's in an attempt to disarm. As it stood, completely emotionless, it swung the blade round, still interlocked with the other sword, and out, knocking him slightly off balance. And then it turned and kicked out, catching Yoshiki cleanly with a roundhouse kick in the chest. [colour=SlateGray][b]"Damn Keiko, you're really working me today. I knew you'd amp up the difficulty, but did you create this really just for me to test?[/b][/colour] he spoke out into nothing, wiping his mouth with his arm and readying himself again. The AI came in for another attack, straight down in an attempt to knock his balance off. Instead, Yoshiki countered, ramming the bot in the chest with his shoulder and sending it to the other side of the room. Now was his chance to do some damage. Yoshiki strode forward, spinning his blade so he was holding it in an icepick grip. As he brought his blade across from the right to cut the bot, it blocked, but not in the right way. With the momentum of the sword, he span around until he was facing away from it, and then he elbowed it in the chest. With continued momentum, he spun again, bring the sword across in a similar manor to the first. As the AI blocked, Yoshiki took the opportunity to reach out with his left hand and grab it by the neck, forcing it against the wall. And, with his sword now back on his right side, he swung it back round into a conventional sword grip and rammed it clean through the AIs chest. [i]Not enough[/i] he thought, as he ripped the blade away and stepped back and couple steps, slightly bleeding from a small slash wound the AI just caused. It was time to finish everything, and that was what he did. The AI charged, bring its blade over its head once again. The bot almost looked surprised as Yoshiki brought his own sword up to meet it, blocking and leaving it there. Then he sidestepped, dragging his blade against the other and letting the AI fall forwards. As his sword arced around, he brought it back up underneath the AI, severing its hands and forcing the blade the clatter across the reflective floor. And in a final action, he brought the blade under and across in an upwards strike, cleaving the bots legs in two, causing it to fall forwards onto the floor. In continuation, he flipped the blade back to an icepick grip, and brought it down on the now struggling AI, cleaving its head from its body. [colour=SlateGray][b]"Uh... Hi... I... Just need... A minute... To... Catch my breath."[/b][/colour] [center][@Akayaofthemoon][/center]