Mainly touched up his personality and made Airgetlam into a Treasure, cause it seemed like it fit. [b]Name:[/b] Rui-Ling Kazanari [b]Title:[/b] Spirit Hammer, Gordeau [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] Has stopped aging when he was 17, having lived 158 years by now. [b]Height:[/b] 5’5 [b]Weight:[/b] 179lbs [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] Rui-Ling’s body is absolutely, utterly, unmarked. There are no blemishes on his skin, no scars, no birthmarks, no wrinkles, only a completely smooth, uncannily pure body. He wears white gloves over his hands, to hide the only part of his body that’s abnormal. Of course, if one was to note that he’s supposedly a half-Japanese, half-Chinese human being, his silvery hair and his sea-green eyes already make him rather odd.[/hider] [hider=Personality] Rui-Ling didn’t take immortality and eternal youth too well. For one, it killed his chances of getting it on with his high school crush, and two, all his personal identification was useless now, as even the most blockheaded police man would understand that a 17 year old who had a 50 year old passport probably was using a fake one. Despite this hatred towards his own bodily condition, however, he still sees it as something that’s useful. After ten or so deaths, Rui-Ling gave up on the idea of suicide, and now holds the view that his body is just a commodity. He thinks nothing of selling his blood, his organs, his very life, and, after a century or so, had become so accustomed to immortality that he’d rather kill himself that take medicine. Rui-Ling strives for two things: self-improvement and entertainment. Despite literally having all the time in the world now, he does not laze about vacantly. He seeks to be a polymath and a paragon, plunging himself in academics and arts, taking advantage of his eternal youth in order to make up for his lack of talent. Though ultimately resigned to only have his efforts acknowledged by bystanders and youkai, he strives on regardless, making up for his decisively human body by accumulating the knowledge and experience capable of making up for it. And, with such experience, he sees himself as an older brother to other Chasers, someone who should die in their steed and make sure they don’t get in over their heads. Of course, there’s still a bit of arrogance as well, when he sees other, older individuals who choose to lounge about instead of do everything they can, and Rui-Ling’s eagerness to kill himself can be viewed as disturbing by more than one individual.[/hider] [hider=Brief History] Rui-Ling had been normal once, a long, long time ago. He could hardly recall those days now, honestly. But one day, he found a Treasure, one that fused with his very soul and rewrote his existence. That Treasure was Airgetlam, the silver arm of a god, capable of tearing the soul and mind from the body. With power came immortality and eternal youth, a wretched existence that made it impossible for Rui-Ling to live a normal life with an ordinary sort of happiness ever again. It sucked for a while, but after he got over the shittiness of immortality, the boy realized that he could make a killing selling his organs to the black market, his blood to hospitals, and his flesh to the monsters of the Crimson Sky. While he had his share of dangerous and sketchy situations due to this way of conducting business, he made it out of such situations more or less whole and sane. After he accumulated enough money to get whatever he wanted, Rui-Ling went on to improve himself, picking the Chaser life over the whore life, accumulating a variety of skills and knowledge over the fifty or so years that he had been in service.[/hider] [hider=Powers] [i]Airgetlam, Silver Arm of the King of Gods[/i] The silver left arm of Rui-Ling, Airgetlam, is a Treasure, capable of piercing through both the physical and the magical. It can touch the very soul of a being, and, in the same vein, has the ability to tear or beat them out. However, this intangibility only lasts up until his left shoulder, and, outside of being an indestructible, intangible soul-stealing arm…that’s it. A certain amount of physical force is required in order to dislodge a soul from its body, but after that happens, the body is put into a comatose state that can’t reverted until the soul is put back into the body. In a way, one can almost think of Airgetlam as the strongest non-lethal weapon in existence, capable of stopping anything with a soul, without harming their physical vessel at all. Of course, if Airgetlam was applied to spirits…they’d just sorta die. [i] Claimoh Solais, The Soul’s Piercing Light[/i] The ‘power’ that resides in Rui-Ling’s right hand, Claimoh Solais isn’t actually an artifact. Instead, it’s just a spell that Rui-Ling created and named after the Sword of Light because it worked well, thematically. Utilizing Airgetlam’s soul-taking abilities, Claimoh Solais is a spell that uses those souls as ammunition, creating powerful beam blasts that are rather effective against any physical or magical obstacle. Despite this, however, Claimoh Solais is a spell that is largely ineffective against living beings, making it an offensive spell used more for removing obstacles while Rui-Ling is running towards someone with the intention of punching out their soul. Originally, it was meant solely as a way of destroying souls, because some people deserve to die for real. [i]The Legacy of the Tuatha De Dannan[/i] As someone bearing a piece of a god, Rui-Ling is, essentially, an immortal with eternal youth and vigor. He doesn’t need to sleep or eat, and he can push past the boundaries of ordinary humans, performing mildly superhuman feats in exchange for tearing his body up. However, this immortality of his is a big pain in the ass, in that, unless he dies, it doesn’t really reveal itself at all. Rui-Ling, once he sustains injuries, can only heal if he kills himself or falls asleep. A broken bone, for example, would not heal until he stabs himself in the throat and his whole body resets itself. Essentially, it’s a real pain in the ass whenever he fights a merciful, gentle opponent who has no intent on killing him, because then there’s no way he can properly take advantage of his immortality. [/hider] [hider=Weapons] A handful of souls. A sharp knife. An old handgun. A bottle of poisonous pills.[/hider] [hider=Equipment] Cash A messenger bag full of mementos. A cheap cellphone.[/hider] [hider=Other] Rui-Ling could, funnily enough, be considered a glass cannon. In the end, his body is still limited to the utmost capabilities of a human. A gun is still a very viable weapon to use against him…at least until he starts to constantly slash his throat and instantly resurrecting himself. Then, it’s like a horror movie. Claimoh Solais destroys all non-living things. Against a human or a youkai, it’s basically a stripping beam. Against a robot or an cyborg, however, it’s a death sentence. Both those things has gotten him into trouble in the past. As his abilities stem from his ‘divinity’, they technically cannot be classified as a supernatural power. After all, a soul is a very natural thing. Interestingly enough, while his resurrection is generally instant, he does have the ability to slow down his revival, allowing him to go zombie-modu for ten seconds after he dies, provided his head didn’t explode. If placed in a situation in which his body is crushed or dropped in a fire or dumped underwater or penetrated with foreign objects or inflicted with curses and diseases, Rui-Ling instead ‘respawns’ to the closest safe area, gaining a whole new body as the old one turns to ash. If that wasn’t the case, he could really just toss himself into space and die forever.[/hider]