[img]http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o537/dyson119/destroyed_city_by_shadowyingzhi-d3ee065_zps63a77204.jpg[/img] link to OOC [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/14923/posts/ic]BAM[/url] [b][u]Faction RP?[/b][/u] Faction is a very vague term, and I use it because I really mean it to be vague. Faction in this sense is being used to describe different groups of people (varying in size) who might be trying to survive in a post-society wasteland in North America (I’m thinking of confining it to the former metropolitan area of Philadelphia). However, unlike other RPs of this nature, I’m not setting a population minimum. What does this mean for you? Your faction could be one person or even two people. Get as personal and intimate with your group as you want, or have a fifty-seven person clan of hungry cannibals. To me it doesn't matter. I want this to be about YOU and YOUR creativity. I will cap factions at 100 individuals (give or take a few), because I don’t want someone to be so big that they try to “win” the game. On the note of winning, this isn't about winning. This is going to purely be about telling a story and weaving them into an awesome story that will end when it ends (or when it dies >.<). Sure, someone might start to dominate, that’s a natural function of society, but if that happens FIGHT BACK OR ADAPT! It’s a wasteland, there are ways to avoid or take on such individuals without losing your head. I’m not putting this in Nation RP because it isn't that. This will be High Casual, but this isn't about societies interacting, its about people interacting without society. Its about one area of the world after society has collapsed. I’ll write up the lore and back story later, but for now, who is interested in making some stories?