[b]Province 55[/b] [i]A certain mage[/i] In the early light of dawn, a band of young elves were swiftly moving through the forest. Armed with spears and bows. While the first was a very standard weapon within Engelican border, the bow was an odd and strange weapon. Yet still traditional weapons among the elves. Most were fashioned from a single piece of the rare silverwood tree. Even in this band, counting over 20 hunters, only 2 carried the silverwood bow. A weapon so lethal it took years of training to master it. Hunters like these were a rare sight indeed, and often were hired to join a lord’s hunting party. Or they went out to hunt on themselves. Trying to corner some animal that would supply them with highly desired hunting trophies. Not every ruler these days had time to go out into the woods for day son end. The band’s forward scouts swiftly spotted a white deer grazing among several other normal ones. For a second they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The strange animal looked as white as snow. Its eyes were an icy blue. Obviously they quickly returned and alerted the band of their find. The group of elves moved like the wind. With soft but fast steps they surrounded the herd. The two silverwood bow wielders readied their arrows. Pulling back the strings. But the second they took aim for the white deer, it looked up. As if it sensed the peril. Before the bowmen could release the arrow, the target dashed away. Swiftly moving in between 2 hunters. Too fast to even catch with spears. But the hunters wouldn’t give up that easily. They started to chase it. Soon the deer was nearly cornered, and the hunters gathered up. Yet right before the arrows shot forwards, the deer jumped into a fallen tree and simply vanished. Baffled, the hunting party approached the seemingly normal log. The deer seemed to have vanished in thin air. Until the bark of the fallen tree began to crack. It started to expand and twist and crack. Soon enough it turned into a 4 legged beast. For a moment, it looked at the hunting party. As if it was confused. But soon a roar of anger echoed through the woods. The elves, realizing the foe would be beyond their power, started to run. With the monster in hot pursuit. When suddenly another, lone elf jumped out of the woods. He simply held out his arm at the beast. It stopped right before the lone elf. The hunting party had already run further. Slowly the lone elven mage approached the creature. Which began to bow down its head. The elf put his hands on the head of the creature. Through the cracked of the bark skin of the creature a soft green light emitted. When the light faded. It went back towards the heart of the wood. Leaving the mage with a small sapling in his hands. [img]http://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/9/9e/Sylvari_09_concept_art_%28The_Druid%29.jpg[/img] [hider=My Actions] [b]Garrison[/b] [i]Province 58[/i] - 5 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Light Cavalry - 5 Units of Magi - 8 Units of War-Magi - 1 Unit of Bombers [i]Province 59[/i] - 3 Units of Light Infantry - 6 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Light Cavalry - 7 Units of Magi - 7 Units of War-Magi - 1 Unit of Bombers [i]Province 60[/i] - 2 Units of Light Infantry - 4 Units of Heavy Infantry - 8 Units of Magi - 6 Units of War-Magi - 1 Unit of Bombers [i]Province 55[/i] - 2 Units of Light Infantry - 7 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 6 Units of War-Magi - 1 Unit of Bombers [i]Province 53[/i] - 12 Units of Heavy Infantry - 5 Units of Magi - 5 Units of War-Magi - 1 Unit of Bombers [i]Province 52[/i] - 17 Units of Heavy Infantry - 3 Units of Light Cavalry - 6 Units of Magi - 7 Units of War-Magi - 1 Unit of Bombers [b]Troop movement[/b] [i]From 53 to 55[/i] - 20 Units of Magi - 10 Units of War-Magi [b]Production[/b] [i]Ground forces[/i] Province 58: War-Magi Province 59: War-Magi Province 60: War-Magi Province 55: Heavy Infantry Province 53: Heavy Infantry Province 52: Heavy Infantry [i]Airforce[/i] Province 58: Bomber Province 59: Bomber Province 60: Bomber Province 55: Bomber Province 53: Bomber Province 52: Bomber [b]Research[/b] Conjure Familiars [/hider]