It wasn't like Jordyn to not be one of the first few to get to class, and she was almost always there before Tiffany. When she got to the class five minutes before it started both Tiffany and Willow gave her a worried look. As Jo took the journal handed to her, she saw her sisters and sighed looking at the people already in the class and frowned a bit. Alex wasn't here yet or she would have stood beside him. She saw Cole, Clary, Drake, and another boy were already there and she smiled at them going to stand by Clary. But Willow stopped her as she went to pass them, by reaching out and touching her arm. "How are you little sister? I stopped by the infirmary after fifth but you gone." Willow said her tone soft but there was a trace of worry there that only those that ready knew her would be cable to notice. Jordyn gave her sister a smile moving to where she was standing beside them instead. "I'm fine, really. I was given something for healing and I'm just a little sore." She answered before seeing Logan come in followed shortly by Billie and Alex. Jordyn frowned hearing that they weren't going to be able to pick their partners, not just because she wanted Alex as her partner. She would have taken Billie, Cole, Clary, Logan, or even one of her sisters over sitting beside some random person she didn't know. Her name was called first and when the teacher said who her partner was, her eyes widened a little. No, no, no! She didn't want to be Adrian's partner! He was scary and a fire breather! Jordyn caught the way Alex's eyes blacked over as she passed him, really it didn't help her nerves at all, if anything it made it worse. Jordyn took her journal before taking the seat next to the aisle, she gave him a uneasy smile. If she was going to be having to deal with him as a partner, then she might as well try to be nice and make it work. Even though he and Alex didn't get along for whatever reason. Still when he sat down Jordyn scooted her chair over a little bit, not wanting to sit to close to him. When her sister was put at the table next to hers, it was probably the first time in a long time she felt some relief about Tiffany actually being in the same class as her. She saw Tiffany tap her fingers on her desk, before words in purple dust showed up on Jordyn side of the table. The words were in Faelic, and Jordyn smiled reading them before glancing at Adrian out of the corner of her eye before shaking her head. The dust going away as Billie started throwing paper was at one of the vampires. -- [I]Logan woke up the next morning with a massive hangover and laying half off of his bed, after talking to Alex the rest of the night was a blur of heavily drinking and Alex venting his anger about what happened between Billie and Devin. He barely remembered leaving the room once he was sure that Alex had passed out for the night. He didn't actually remember getting to his room. Logan pulled himself out of bed, taking the time to take a shower and get dressed, grabbing a few bottles before heading out towards the cafeteria. He saw Billie as he came in and headed to get something to eat himself, planing on actually sitting beside her. Before he even had time to get over far through the line though, he heard Billie screaming his name, and turned to see Alex glowing as he made his way towards Devin. Damn it! This was exactly what Alex agreed not to do the night before. Logan fought through the crowd, and grabbed ahold of Devin as Billie stepped in front of Alex. But Devin was a dumbass, he tried to pull away from Logan. Because this was what he actually wanted. Billie's attack had been when they had been alone. It was deniable for the most part, but this...this was in front of every fucking body. Including Jackie. Logan finally managed to pull Devin out of the cafeteria, feeling a little of the heat from Alex's fire ball before it was gone. Once Logan had gotten Devin outside, he realized that Jackie was close behind them and as they stopped she crossed her arms. "What the hell was that about?" She asked. Devin looked up and acted like he had been seriously hurt by Alex. "He's a psycho just like his bitch sister, he acted me because I was telling everyone how much of a cheating slut his sister is." Devin lied through his teeth and Jackie looked royalty pissed off. "This is it, I've had enough of this! Logan, Zach, Violet spread the word around the vampires are done with the demons. Anyone that insists on staying friends with the demons will be cast out on the spot. I will not allow them just go around attacking us like this." Jackie said before she and another vampire helped Devin to the infirmary. Violet headed the opposite way and Zach looked to Logan frowning. "Well....this just fucks up all of our plans. Now what are we going to do?" Zach asked and Logan frowned shaking his head. "No, I'm not done with this, you saw that Alex didn't even get a chance to touch him with Billie there. I'll just have to wait a bit longer to beat Devin's ass." He said. That was the first night that Logan had to actually had to sneak away from his dorm just to see Billie.[/I] Logan frowned feeling sorry for Jordyn having to sit by the asshat. He soon got placed at the table next to them with Tiffany, one of Jo's sisters. It was actually a good thing too, because if he was able to play his cards right. Show a little respect and maybe get Devin to apologize for attacking Jo, he might just be able to prevent the UnSeelie starting a feud. As he got to the table he took the seat away from Jo so that her sister could sit by her, he reached over without really even thinking about it and pulled out Tiffany's chair for her. Before hearing that Zach was going to be at the last table with Billie and he couldn't help but smile, looking towards the front of the class. Tiffany wasn't thralled about this whole seating ritual that their crystal touching teacher was forcing them to do. Honestly if she had much of a choice she wouldn't have ever picked to sit beside her baby sister, because she could be annoying and they often butted heads. Still she knew her sister to tell when she was just nervous about new people, and actually afraid of someone. She let her partner go first, following him, at least he wasn't to bad looking, for a blood bag. When he pulled the chair up for her, she let her gray eyes look over him for moment before she took the sit. Trying to decide if he was being polite or trying to suck up for his race. Taking her seat she looked towards her sister. -- Zach gave a little bit of a smirk when he was placed at the table beside Logan, and though he personaily really knew nothing about Billie Sanders, he wasn't really worried. He really had no stake or even interest in this retarded feud between vampires and demons in the first place. So honestly he couldn't care less if his partner was a demon or not. As long as she wasn't a bitch toward him, they would be fine. He and Logan both laughed a little as he took the seat next to Logan, and saw Devin missing his chair like a dumbass. "Well at least with you sitting beside me, I don't have to worry about failing this class." Logan laughed looking at him. Zach laughed lightly. "Well shit and here I was planning on cheating off your papers like last year." He answered sitting back his eyes catching his new partner checking him out. Zach smirked looking at Billie from the corner of his eye, though he didn't say anything, it wasn't like it was something he wasn't used to. If anything it made him worry a little less about being her partner. He watched as Jackie movced and paired up with Violet and some elemental, and he looked over to Logan. "Poor kid, I bet you thirty bulks, he won't make it half way though class without pulling his hair out." Logan looking up at the tablet before shaking his head. "Vi's a whore. I'll take that bet." Zach shook his head looking back at their table as a paper wad hitting Jackie in the head. He sat there watching a few more move from Billie's side of the table and hit Jackie in the back of the head before leaning back and grabbing a cup filled with pencils. He dumped them out on the shelf behind them before sitting the thick ceramic cup in front of Billie keeping his eyes forward as Kane started talking. -- Normally Willow would sit beside one of her sisters or friends, but she gave a simple shrug and the fact she would be sitting next to someone else. It truly wasn't that big of a deal to her, for the most part she didn't mind other races, or meeting new people. When Kane said who her partner was, she smiled a little. At least he wasn't [I]actually[/I] a new person to her, she had sat at the next table over from him and his friend in Botany and Alchemy earlier that day. Willow let him go first to get his journal and pick a seat, most because she didn't want to be the one picking which side to sit on. "Well hello there, shy little one." She said giving a friendly smile as she sat down beside him. -- Molly frowned looking back at Adrian when he ansewered her words about him being the toy and clicked her tongue. "Awe...that takes part of the fun out of it, my little toy. Fine, but next timeI'm the toy try not to give me as big of a hickie." She answered smirking a bit, fingers touching where he had bit and sucked on her collar bone. When they got to the class she couldn't help but smile a little bit when he held the door open for her. Hmm she actually could get used to take kind of treatment for once. For the most part Molly was pretty relaxed from her play time with Adrian and even the fact she couldn't sit next to him didn't bothrer her. When he was paired with the cute little red haired fairy it took all that Molly had to stifle a laugh. It was cute as could be. The little tiny fairy and the big bad dragon. For the most part she wasn't paying most attention to who was being placed with whom. Until she heard her name being called, she looked to Alex Sanders and gave a small smile. Well at least she wasn't sitting by a mage who would want to talk, or an elemental who was stupid enough to make her have to do everything for it to be done right. She looked him over as he started to move before letting out a soft sigh. "Just sit down cutie, I'll get them." She said as she pushed away from the wall and walked past him, their table being the one right by where they were standing. Kane meant Molly half way having noticed it as well, and as Molly got back to the table, she caught sight of Adrian's angry face at the back of their row. She couldn't help the smirk that showed on her face as she handed Alex his journal and sat down beside him. Well this would be interesting to say the least, part of her wanted to see if she could make Adrian angrier. However, she shook her head a little bit, clicking her tongue again has she pulled her hair behind her ear, and dug in her bag pulling out a red inked pen to use instead of the black one they were given. Only to look up when she heard who Jackie was paired with and she gave a sigh frowning. "Oh fuck me." She muttered to herself, she had been aware he was coming back, but not that he was in any of her classes. -- Kane sat at her desk for a few moments getting her lesson sorted the rest of the way as her students get their seats and some of them even interacted. Though soon a large hardback book floated from one of the shelves in the back and was placed in front of each of them, the pages flipping until it laid open to page 532. A large picture of a [url=]Merfolk swimming around[/url] covered the entire page. Kane stood from her desk and made her way back to the front of the class, her back to students as she put a piece of chalk to the board and muttered a spell. The chalk working on its own as turned back towards her class. Kane eyes fell on Adrian in the back for a moment and forced his chair back on all fours as she began. "As you can see the first creature we will be starting with Merfolk. However, before we start the actual lesson. I would like to explain the journals you were given upon entering. Those will be your classroom journals, in them it will be required to you to write about your experience both in and out of the class with other races over then your own. Your interactions if you remember to write them, your thoughts and feelings about what you've learned in the class, about your partners, the ways of other races, and really anything else that has to do with the subject of this class." She explained before Zach raised his hand and she looked to him. "Yes, Mr. Mordecai?" Zach sat up a little more as he lowered his hand. "So if I feel that say, this whole thing was fucking retarded and just a waste of time. I'd write it in this right? Or do we need another journal for that?" He asked with a straight face keeping it even with Logan laughing at the table beside him. Kane blinked a few times looking at him before a small smile spread on her face. "You'd write it in this journal Mr. Mordecai and I do look forward to reading yours. As this half of your grade you be turning them in at the end of each of your breaks for me too grade. If you do not do your journal then you get to come back and join me next year, or come back the second time for some of you." She finished eyes looking towards Heather quickly before turning towards the board. The chalk having drawn the picture from the book as she was talking and she actually used she ability rather than a spell as she tapped her finger on the board and made the Merfolf swim around, the drawn picture come to life. "Now as I was saying before we are going to start on Merfolk race. Not to be confused with the Siren race.”