[hider=ϟ][b]Name:[/b] Tarit Ritter [b]Title:[/b] Sparky [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Height:[/b] 6'0" [b]Weight:[/b] 175 [b]Appearance:[/b] Tarit stand at an even 6 feet tall and boasts a well built body. The shaggy blonde mess atop his head, sharp features, and fair skin allude to his European descent, but his dark eyes consequently appear out of place on him; similarly prominent, a lightning scar runs down the man's body from his right shoulder down to his left foot. Usually offering an electronic cigarette to whatever stranger catches his interest, Sparky has a warm welcoming demeanor. He almost constantly wears a skin tight black combat suit underneath his clothing due to normal clothes being incinerated whenever he goes lightning form. When the need arises, his combat suit can protect his torso from bullets and conceal his face using a pull up mask. Despite his social status, 22 year old's attire consists of a white dress shirt, a a vest, and a black tie, and all of it is covered up by an overcoat. [b]Personality:[/b] Tarit is comparable to a combination between a child and teenager who never grew up. He is flamboyant, rowdy, and spontaneous. Doing before thinking usually, he is open in addition to maybe come across as a bit of an airhead due to his impulsiveness and curiosity. Capable of and often times trying to make conversation with complete strangers, the immature adult is an extreme extrovert and if his generosity doesn't win you over he'll try and use his humor. The friends he does gain he will protect by any means necessary... his means usually getting intertwined with his fascination with electricity. His seemingly carefree demeanor can very easily vanish when his place in this world is threatened, usually being followed by his sadistic streak becoming apparent. While not the sharpest tool in the shed, Tarit's tenacity is unmatched. You'll have to destroy him before he gives up. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Tarit grew up in a bad neighborhood with his mother, father, and sister. Even though the family was barely getting by, they were generally happy... at least until the guy who brings in the bacon didn't come home one day. In turn, the family became distraught. Schoolboy Tarit decided he had to take care of his younger sister and seemingly always distraught mother, so he attempted to get a job anywhere that would take him. Unfortunately, he was too young to work legally for any legitimate company, and in turn he believed the only way to provide for his family was through illegal means. 14 at the time, the boy joined a gang, did multiple things he normally wouldn't do, and eventually got discovered by the cops. Once the feds were breaking down his door, his supposed allies betrayed him and decided he would be the one to take the fall for all of them. Tarit was charged with multiple crimes, some he did commit and some he didn't, before being promptly sentenced to death. Fortunately for him, this was one of the few places that used the electric chair. Once strapped in and fired up, the executioners attempted to do what they are paid to do, but to no avail. Instead of dying, Tarit felt more alive than ever. Once he realized what was happening, he incinerated the strap that kept him in and broke out of the institution through an outlet. Word was that some kid managed to survive execution and somehow magically escaped a highly guarded facility. Tarit attracted the attention of a recruiter and he accepted the Hunters' Association invitation. [b]Powers:[/b] Electricity manipulation, electricity generation, electrical transportation, electricity empowerment, and etc. [b]Weapons:[/b] Stun baton Taser Blast knuckles Mossberg 500 pump-action Beretta 93R [b]Equipment:[/b] Shock bullets Bullets Food & water Bag Mask Combat suit Electronic cigarettes[/hider] Tell me if I need to change anything. :sun