Death eaters? Someone with a connection to Death Eaters? I must admit, the idea of dealing with someone who at very least helps support the Death Eaters and therefore, He Who Must Not Be Named, makes me slightly uncomfortable. Still, I want answers, and if I have to risk the Dark Lord himself to get them, so be it. To be honest, I'm not really that afraid of him. And I damn sure don't fear his Death Eaters. I am pretty confident I could take any of them one on one. It's when they gang up on you like a pack of rabid dogs that things start getting out of control. And it sounds like the man knows things. So, it's worth the risk. After I point out the extra...trimmings to her vault, she turns red, stammering [i]"Oh my god...I am so sorry. I didn't see that it had snagged on the corner..."[/i] I shake my head, chuckling. [b]"No worries, it happens to the best of us."[/b] I respond, waving her embarrassment away. I laugh when she says how Snape would dock points. She was right, really. I could hear it now. "50 points from Ravenclaw. From both you AND Mr. White for failing to inform his "friend" that her undergarments are exposed." At the thought I just burst out laughing, so hard I start to cry, doubling over and clutching my stomach. [b]"Oh my God, greatest and worst mental image ever!"[/b] I exclaim, explaining what had crossed my mind as best as I could through teary laughter. [b]"But then WE could simply remind him how amazing he looked in Neville's grandmothers dress! That would shut him up!"[/b] I'm laughing so hard now, that I can't stand up. Sniffing, and trying desperately to get ahold of myself, I attempt to hold my breath for a moment or two. It only sort of works, as tears of laughter stream down my face. [b]"Oi. So yeah, tomorrow is okay with me,"[/b] I gasp, barely managing to contain myself. [b]"And I don't have any other questions no. I'm sure whatever happens we can take care of it. Just like Neville took care of that Boggart. With Snape's help!!!"[/b] I burst out laughing again, slapping my knee. [b]"A GREEN dress--and the [i]hat[/i], Bridget, the [i]hat!!![/i]"[/b] I start to lose myself again, seemingly slowly decending into a madness that I can't seem to get out of. I mean, the [i]hat![/i]