[i]"Well. Sure. Isn't this just peachy.."[/i] Otto let his legs give out when the trolley was bombarded by the beasts. Scratching, clawing--these [i]things[/i] ripped metal as easy as paper. Lying on the trolley floor, he crawled with haste to his sledge hammer, which was propped in the corner. As he grasped the hammer in his left hand, his right buried into his robes and felt for one of his leather patches. It had been years--decades--since Otto used his trusty sigils. The leather patch closest to his armpit felt like a spiral was branded within a perfect circle. [i]"Oh no. No, not that one."[/i] Immediately below the first, the second patch was similarly branded. Instead of a perfect circle, it more closely resembled a two-dimensional egg. Branded within the egg-shape, a small paw print. Otto covered the old leather with his hand and sat up in a crouched position, back facing the landing door. [b]POP[/b] Salt and dust slammed into the side of the trolley, leaving behind white smoke approximately the size of an adult male. Otto sailed through the air and slammed into the landing's door frame (not at all gracefully). He looked in all directions, and made eye contact with the others who made it into the dark doorway. "Still works!"