Well, I think that's long enough, so... -revs chainsaw- Anyway, transition is up, taking us to the next village. When it comes to everyone else, I left things open on purpose. If you want to go around the village for a little, or be with one of the other Sentinels that isn't Cyril, feel free to. We can come up for some reason or task for them to be off and about. Ditto for if you want to go find the new character I've introduced that's currently in the village. Now I'd certainly prefer for not everyone to clump together simply because "why", but you know, at the same time shit happens. Some things will happen in this village, not high octane shit but more characters will be joining you guys, and clearly there's some previously planned conversations will be happening, blah blah blah. Once the night is done, the next day the group will be on its way into Gurata actually, so yay!