Meryn's expression morphed from wary to frightful as Spook fully explained the situation – and the risks. She looked from the yowling felidrakes in the cages, to the one Alex was carrying, and finally to the little devil in her hands. If what Spook said was true (and that was a big if, in Meryn's opinion – she still didn't trust the Traveller a lick) then these creatures were little more than ticking time bombs. Her mind flashed through the people of Enn. Familiar faces appeared behind her eyes, people Meryn had never been close to – and some who'd been less than kind to her – but still undeniable threads in the fabric of her life. She thought of those people, kind, cruel, mothers, sons, friends… were they really in such danger? She was snatched out of her thoughts when Spook pushed a paper into her hand. A sigil, circular and precise, was drawn on it. Meryn raised an eyebrow at Spook to see him giving similar papers to Alex and Lily. And of course, no actual explanation about them was given. '[i]Use these in an emergency,[/i]' he said. Meryn couldn't help the exasperated huff of air that escaped her. Nothing on what they did or what counted as an emergency. She rolled her eyes and slipped the paper into her bag. But there was an undercurrent of nervousness – or excitement – under her annoyance. Meryn looked to Lily and Alex before stepping forward, after Spook.