I'm up for this. Here. [hider=Driftwood Boy][b]Name:[/b] Driftwood Boy [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Bard [b]Appearance:[/b] The Driftwood Boy is a small and lanky figure, dressed in a heap of cloth and laces that have been lazily fixed over time. None of his skin shows, as he wears gloves and sleeves and the like at all times. He wears an old leather hat with a very wide brim, and a wooden mask with a happy expression, and a rather long nose. Around the mask, unkempt blond hair flows about, the only denotation of his physical appearance. [b]Personality:[/b] The Driftwood Boy is a cheerful, non-talkative sort. He'll never say a word, but he'll make plain his notions through wonderful gestures and the playing of his instruments. He's a genuinely trusting fellow, who enjoys a friendly game every now and then. [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful neutral. [b]Diety:[/b] None. [b]Skills:[/b] The Driftwood Boy is vastly experienced in performing with a variety of string instruments, mainly his own lute and harp. He knows how to maintain his raft well enough, and he's a less-than-decent fisherman. [b]Weapons:[/b] None. [b]Items:[/b] A lute and a harp, both in strikingly well-kept condition. A fishing rod and a net that don't see too much use, and various pots and vases that hold whatever he's found or earned on his travels. [b]Boat:[/b] A small raft, big enough for just one person, functional and cozy. Built along the sail is a a canopy that provides ample shade for the Driftwood Boy to lie under. [b]Background:[/b] The Driftwood Boy earned his name from sailing about the waters of Azmier with nary a direction in mind, but very clear a vocation - to bring good music and happy thoughts to those who need them most. Where he's from and who he really is, he's never have and never will tell, but not many mind the secrecy for what he brings about. Crowds of seafarers have gathered on moonlit nights with lanterns lit and sails down to listen to him fill the air with sweet, soft tunes, evoking memories of long ago when life was well and pleasant, cradling their thoughts and their heads as many would fall to slumber, while those still awake would bid the Driftwood Boy farewell as he sailed silently into the dark blue yonder.[/hider]