[hider=WIP] Name: Joci Age: 20 Race: Gnome Class: Artificer-Pirate Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/V9NvVBk.jpg?1[/img] Personality: An impetuous glory seeker. She's not a great mind among her people, and she prefers the company of other races because of this. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Diety: None Skills: Marksmanship, engineering and repair. Navigation. Weapons: An air powered cannon that shoots Synth nets. The cannon is made of ceramic, with synth seals to keep the air pressure in between moving parts. It has to be pumped vigorously before firing. It is water proof, in that it can be submerged and still work, but it doesn't work [i]while[/i] submerged. Items: Goggles, a bone gauntlet on her right hand. Boat: Background: Born in Drandlebar, she was raised fairly typical for Gnomes, with education in math, material sciences, chemistry and mechanics. She favored them some, but her favorite subject was geography. She took to the topography of the sea floor, and enjoyed comparing it to older maps to see if she could find things from before the Big Wave. She knew she didn't have the mind to make a name for herself in Dradlebar, so she left, thinking she'd have a better chance on the surface. She built herself a submarine, but she was hasty and found it failing her halfway to the surface. In a moment of ingenuity that surprised even herself, she used the pump from her net gun to to bail water back out and maintain air pressure. It got her to the surface, even if it didn't save the sub. She got the sub to float, and was working on getting it repaired when our story starts. [/hider]