[b]"Now you wish to honor yourself Seth?" [/b] Diomedes stopped in his tracks. His body going rigid at his mothers words. Blood at this point had began to clot and stop running down his nose. The elder male took his robe and wiped away the blood from his face. Honor? No, this wasn't for honor. He didn't know why, but that girl in the strange clothes made him feel uneasy. Amenaton was not allowed to die by any other hand then that of his own brother. Cold eyes stared back at his mother. "No mother. It is not about my honor. But for the honor of my brother." Cold eyes glared at the younger male. "As the General to the Egyptian army it is my duty to up hold our laws. Harming a member of the royal family is punishable by death, and that strange girl has harmed booth of Egypts princes." Diomedes turned his blade to Cailie, who at this point was taking deep breathes and struggling mildly. "Besides," Diomedes continued. "how do we know she is not a spy from an enemy nation? Is golden hair not a trait of the Hitties?" Diomedes took a step toward Cailie as he ran into his brother. He listened to his brothers pleas and grew more angry as the younger sibling talked. "Then just cut the thing off!" He snarled. "Brother, have you not learned that appearances can be deceiving to the eye? Thieves will do anything to coax their way out of punishment. Did you not just witness her trying to escape? That is an obvious sign of guilt!" As pathetic looking as she made herself out to look. Diomedes wasn't going to let her have the chance to escape alive. "Further more, why do you ask to pardon this thief in particular, it is clearly evident that she has desecrated our fathers grave. Tell me are you going soft? Would you perhaps prefer to pardon all thieves who desecrate the graves of past kings?" Diomedes was getting tired of drawing this out. The girl needed to die, and Amenoten needed to get a reality check. The older male pushed his brother out of the way, and began closing the distance between himself and the foreign girl. Cailies eyes widened as Diomedes approached her. The tears had dried into streaks and her face was red. What could she possibly say to alleviate the situation. She had to think fast if she was going to be able to keep her head. But what could she possibly say? She knew little about this particular point in history. But maybe she could spin it just enough to keep her head. "Wait! Amenoten does become king!" Her voice was a high squeak. Her body begins to tremble. "Amenoten becomes the Pharaoh that unites Egypt and brings forth an era of prosperity!" The girl yelped as Diomedes grabbed her hair forcing her head back. "Liar!" He growled as his cold eyes stared into her pleading green ones. "You dare to lie as well as steal? Do your morals know no low?" Cailie began to breath heavily. "I can prove it! I can prove that what I say is true! Please!" The young girl stared at the taller male, her voice getting smaller. "I do have proof that what I say is true.." Her voice had turned into a small whisper as her voice pleaded with Diomedes. But was this really okay? Would this change the course of history forever? Did it matter anyway? Whatever catastrophic consequences were to happen would have to wait. All that was important was that she would be able to keep her head. Cailie had to figure out how to get back to her era and soon. "Seth! Enough!" Queen Naliahs voice rang through the chamber, commanding as a Queen. Even though the siblings needed to battle it out for themselves, the girls prediction had peaked even her interest. With the fate of the nation hanging on a razors edge, they needed all the help they could get. "As the current ruling Queen of Egypt I order you to step down. If the girl has evidence that her prediction about Amenoten is true, then let it be presented!" Waving her hand, the guards released Cailie who looked at the regal dressed woman in a state of shock. Queen Naliah approached the girl. "I suggest that you hurry in presenting your evidence, child." Cailie nodded, pulling her back around as the guards raised their spears. Rummaging around her stuff, the girl pulled out a book with little pink and green page tabs sticking out of it. It must have looked strange to the others. Diomedes, was seething in fury. As a direct order of the Queen there was little he could do other than obey his mothers wish. Was everyone in this pathetic little family going mad?! Cailies green eyes skimmed the pages of her book as she moved through the marked tabs. "Here." She flipped the book around and presented the queen with the printed version of an ancient Egyptian tablet. The hieroglyphs depicted Amenotens name, with the young man on the Egyptian throne. The sun shining down upon him as the lands in the background flourished. Even though the image was a little gritty, it was still legible. "This tablet was painted after Amenotens," She glanced toward the younger male, "coronation ceremony." Well that was the theory anyway. The tablet had been discovered in the 80's and historians had only recently placed the time period. All that mattered was that it was in the same ball park. As well as, might just spare Cailies life a little longer.