[@DJAtomika] [i]Gonad stroked his long beard with a heavy right hand, nodding sagely as he hopped over the narrow side of the stream and walked up to Guzman much like how a kindly professor approaches his podium. The hulking man seemed not to even have his guard up. His free arm hung easily by his side. Were Gonad to have approached even the most feeble of children in this way, surely would the child have no fear. There was no aggression or discontent in the barbarian's single eye, no fire of competitiveness or secret lust for blood. He was just a big fellow that knew apples were apples and oranges were oranges, and that men could choose to die as enemies or as brothers.[/i] [b]"Bwuh! Taller than Gonad be Tall Man! Not often seen such has Gonad. Remind Gonad of kin in North, does Tall man! Hrah! Contest this be though, so battle first we will and speak later of cold winds and warm mead!"[/b]