[i]fwip[/i] The muffled popping noise briefly sounded in the morning air as yet another shambling corpse had its head seemingly spontaneously explode-sending the rotting creature sprawling to the trash riddled asphalt that made up the Star Hotels parking lot. Three stories up lay the cause of this random zombie cleansing; Bushwhackers black armor clad body just visible behind a large sleek looking rifle that he was working with the skill and efficiency of a man that completely knew what he was doing. He sat perched on the same catwalk like window cleaning contraption that he had been using the night before as he surveyed the parkinglot. From a higher view it became clear that he wasn't just randomly shooting zombies-instead he was doing his best to keep clear what looked like a myriad of red arrows that had been spray painted on the ground; all of which lead directly to the perch below him. Apparently he had not only set up the nighttime display to draw attention to his location but he had also taken the time to spray paint the bulk of connecting City Streets and parking lot. Afterall he didn't expect survivors to just be able to pinpoint his location from one brief firework display.