[quote=@Stern Algorithm] That's actually why I like Zhou Yu. When I was younger, I had the arrogance to want to be smarter than everyone else and when I wasn't, I railed against the world. I was also pretty rage-filled and was convinced I'd die from my own rage. Zhou Yu could have been great but Zhuge Liang was greater. Zhou Yu's fixation on being second best led to his blunders and ultimately his death. In a way it's sort of unlucky and tragic, and there's a pettiness that I think most people can relate to. [/quote] My favorite RotK character was (debatably) Sun Ce. He was a fun character that died too young. Taishi Ci, Cao Ren, and Guan Yu are also in the running for my favorite character. I think a RotK RP should definitely be a thing xD