[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jCF98DT.jpg[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vI0FETSHAv4]theme.[/url][/sub][/center] [color=black]———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color][indent][b][color=dimgray]Aboard the Behemoth; Luan Border[/color][/b][/indent][color=black]———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color] [color=708090]John didn’t pay much attention - or rather, pretended not to - for the rest of the journey. His eyes seemed distant and he listened to the introductions that came from the rest of the group. Evangeline Dashelle, Cidolphus Escovane, James Lockeheart... Each time another person introduced themselves, he glanced at the source of the voice, adding a non-visual nametag to them. He didn’t see the point of it, as after this mission he’d more than likely be back with his original squad, but lying, manipulation and deceit was the only way he’d be able to efficiently get past them to kill the traitors, and knowing their names would make it a lot easier. Much as he knew he’d have to at some point, it was easier to not waste his energy on fighting them, if they were to try and stop him from achieving his goal. But, it was good to keep up morale, even if it was in short supply. [color=b7b7b7][i]Some take it too far, though,[/i][/color] he thought, as his eyes flicked to Evangeline. However, it seemed her attitude had changed, replaced with a stern discomfort that she’d seemingly been hiding. Deciding to amuse himself, rather than absorb all the looks that the SOLDIERS were shooting his way, he balanced the possible reasons why this seemingly alien emotion was beginning to show itself now. It could’ve been the attitude of her peers - John had noticed that she stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of them, with her excitement practically exploding from her, getting in everyone’s faces. Well, John’s face, at least. The other reason could’ve been John’s introduction - Evangeline was clearly intrigued by him, so to only receive information she already knew must have disappointed her. The blonde soon regained her usual, bubbly self again, and a smile made its’ way onto her lips. She found amusement once again in the introductions of the rest of the soldiers aboard the Behemoth. He found his mind drifting off to other things, however, as his posture became hunched over and his head bowed, eyes locked on the clear blue crystal in his hands. The light reflected off the prisms, projecting onto the floor and around the Behemoth, albeit faint and unnoticeable from a quick glance. John’s visor translated the rays into many shades of vermillion, some dark and some light, and the crystal itself was turned to a bright violet, stark in contrast to the quiet blue it normally appeared to be. He turned it in his hands, catching all angles of the light in the Behemoth, and watching as it reflected onto all surfaces. The pattern was unique yet familiar, like a spider’s web being shone on by the sun. The man was almost hypnotized by the rays, focusing solely on them, with the voices of the group and the rumbling of the Behemoth melting into one disembodied hum. It wasn’t until the voices and the rumbling both stopped that he was snapped out of his trance. He held the crystal in his right hand and looked up, straightening his back with a groan. Apparently, they’d made an unscheduled stop. Getting up, he walked over to where Evangeline, one of the Lieutenants, and Kain were. Since he towered over her, he decided to stand behind the girl, staring at the images that came up on the monitor. Three people in what could only be SOLDIER attire, and… [i]Esper Ridge Eagles.[/i] With a heavy sigh, John glanced at the crystal in his hand. He’d dealt with them before, but in a squad where he knew his teammates fully. This group would hardly trust him, and therefore wouldn’t be all too comfortable with working with him. It didn’t matter, though - there’d come a time when they’d have no choice. It always happened at some point. Not wanting to bother with any more ‘worrying’ about the future, he followed the rest of the SOLDIERS out of the Behemoth and into the Luan Fields.[/color] [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/jCF98DT.jpg[/img][/center] [color=black]———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color][indent][b][color=dimgray]Luan Fields[/color][/b][/indent][color=black]———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5sudiyU.png[/img][/center] [color=708090]The details came up on his visor instantly, as he hovered his gaze on the eagle that Beatrice had attacked. [color=b7b7b7][i]If I want to get them to trust me, I might aswell give them a reason to,[/i][/color] he thought, looking down at the crystal and gently squeezing it. The different prisms began to rotate and hiss, a golden cage folding out of it and entrapping the crystal whilst it returned to its’ normal state. Then, the shaft began to slide down, extending further and further until it became around 5’3”, including the spearpoint at the end. Finally, the obsidian clamp folded out of the top of the cage, the top end of the shaft coming out with it, and the curved blade slid out of it, the very sheen of the blade enough to make a man run in fear. Altogether, it was almost as tall as John, towering at 5’7”, and most men would struggle to carry it. A sly smile crept across his face as he felt adrenaline pump through his veins, and he broke out into a sprint, making his way past Kain and diving for the near-grounded eagle, grabbing its’ talon with his left hand. He hauled his scythe up with his other hand, sending the curved blade into its’ stomach, dragging it down and ripping it out, before climbing onto its’ back and slamming the blade into its’ skull. He then dove down on a grounded eagle, driving the spearpoint into its’ neck.[center][hr][color=b7b7b7][i]”They took [b]everything[/b] from me. They [b]beat me[/b] when I was [b]down[/b]. They [b]laughed[/b] at my [b]broken body[/b] and [b]spirit[/b]. They [b]turned[/b] me into a [b]monster[/b]. Now this [b]monster[/b] is [b]free[/b]. Now this [b]monster[/b] cannot be [b]beaten[/b].”[/i][/color][hr][h3][sub][color=black]BATTLE SUMMARY[/color][/sub][/h3] John dragged his scythe blade down the stomach of [color=b7b7b7][b]eagle c[/b][/color] and slammed it into its’ skull, before diving onto [color=b7b7b7][b]eagle d[/b][/color] and driving his spearpoint into its’ neck.[/center][/color]