[sub][sub][i][h3]Vivian Hong | Regalia; The Crest[/h3][/i][/sub][/sub][hr] The gunmetal grey BMW slid into a parking spot in the middle of The Crest's lot just as it's previous occupant vacated it. As was expected, the place was packed. Vivian watched some drunk kids stumble past through her rearview mirror as she put the car in park and jerked the handbrake up into position. She clicked her tongue idly out of resignation, tugging the keys from the ignition while simultaneously replacing her glasses on top of her head. Places like these were - predictably - never really her scene; much less so on a night when all she wanted was a heating pad and more chocolate-covered pretzels. Unluckily for her, there had developed some unspoken understanding amongst the group that it had become their spontaneous meeting place of choice. Though despite the sloppy bachelors and sticky surfaces, Vee had come to at least enjoy the abundance of people-watching opportunities it offered to her. Free training to keep polished on the job. She locked her Beamer behind her as she strode towards the entrance, eyeing the string of bodies trickling from the doors, all waiting their turn to get inside. Without willing it, her mind's camera was taking snapshots of face after face, gesture after body language. Vivian had always had a degree of photographic memory; it had come in handy countless times. Her gaze registered the sight of Quinn's Camaro standing sentry in front of the building before finally settling on the two bouncers of the night, one of whom was whimpering and sporting a bloody nose. She stepped onto the curb and briefly studied the scene with a bemused expression. The two men watched her with a mixture of indignation and confusion. The usual. "I always try to tell him he should watch his temper. Sorry, guys," she sighed out, though her attitude and somewhat monotonous tone didn't really emphasize remorse. Blaring music came pouring out as she pulled the door open for herself, though her soft alto voice was still perfectly understandable. "One of the girls should have some bandaids in her purse." And with that she submerged herself into the lively club, making a beeline towards the bar, where she knew Gyles would be waiting. Sure enough, he was there, looking down at his phone. She made her way towards him, slipping through those who were dancing or flirting or generally intoxicated. Within moments she had taken her place beside him, leaning her forearms on the florescent blue. "New guy, huh?" she asked, keeping the shadow of a smirk in check as she ordered herself a lager beer. There was no need to bother with "Hi"s or "Hello"s with him. Probably why they got along so well. Vee nodded her head in greeting at the bartender who dropped her bottle off, gave them both a skeptical look, before returning to his other customers.