[quote=@Blue Demon] Blurb on Demonology you can feel free to reword/add to it at your own pleasure. Because I am lazy right now, but I want to get the basics down. [hider=Demonolgy]According to the CMAS, there is no such thing as Demons. No school will actually teach Demonology, except within other classes. However where there is a will there is a way. The CMAS keeps a sharp eye on anyone who proclaims themselves a Demonologist. Especially because a Demonologist describe demons as not coming from their world, but in reality it's more like pulling ethereal beings into reality (the most current radical theory, postulated by Ebenezer himself). There are two types of Demons according to Demonology. The first is a Class A Demon. These demons can cross into the world from the void without aid of a summoner. It's theorized there are "weak" spots between us and the void that these class A demons can squeeze through. The most common theory is that weak spots are caused by misuse/ drain of Acana/Ki or evil acts (such as murder). Class A Demons are large, often as large or larger than a person. They are characterized by having more than four limbs. Class B Demons are weaker demons. They cannot cross into our world without the aid of a summoner. They are often call Imps, rather than demons. They are usually considered useless. However they can be utilized as spies and watch dogs. They are most often described as being small in stature, the size of a big cat or small dog. The actual description of Imps vary wildly, which sometimes leads people to the conclusion they must be made up if no one can agree on a description. The act of summoning a demon is long a laborious. If done incorrectly it will result in death. Only the most fool hearty actually attempt to summon demons.[/hider] [hider=Summoning circles (Simple)]To summon Class B demons, only a simple circle is needed. Depending on what sort binding you want on your Imp, you'd use a different circle. Of course you'd have to add the proper symbols and ritualistic items to the base circle to achieve the desired effect. [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTU_nxoizVIgdcx0xz2ZL_4UltdsE9oZxXw51LvchKpZQOEqkxv[/img] This sort of circle is a long term binding. The Imp will conform to your will for as long as you live. However the Imp will be unable to leave you for long periods of time, or even for a short distance lest it die. [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/09/Squaredcircle.svg/150px-Squaredcircle.svg.png[/img] This binding is for sending the Imp off on a task. Want to retrieve a rock from half way around the world without going yourself? This is the circle you'd use. Want to murder a co-worker without implementing yourself? This is what you'd use. [img]http://t13.deviantart.net/8ZX0roZGG2Bsq6Kh4gdosvJhG90=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre09/014c/th/pre/i/2009/266/a/6/ice_alchemist_by_scholarlybelgarath.jpg[/img] If you wanted to send the Imp off to spy a long distance, you'd use this circle. It allows the creature to remain intangible and completely undetectable.[/hider] [hider=Summoning circles (Advanced)]Summoning a Class A demon almost always means death. [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/2ebe/f/2010/250/8/8/edward_trasm__circle_scripts_by_postermasterchef-d2y8odm.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/c43b/f/2009/114/f/7/alchemy_symbol_by_chorynaglowe.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.eldahar.co.uk/imgs/subtitles/transmutation_subtitle.jpg[/img] This last circle can also be used to bind a Class A demon already at large.[/hider] [hider=Symbols]The most common symbols used in Demonology are [img]http://i47.tinypic.com/25fm42t.gif[/img] [img]http://www.deniart.com/images/alchemy1_all.jpg[/img] There are two sets, one for rituals, and one for basic usage.[/hider] [hider=Ritual Items]All rituals need a wand, usually made of metal. Candles, water basins, herbs and salt. The quantities, and quality of the items are specified depending on the ritual.[/hider] EDIT: Updated Ebenezer [hider=Ebenezer][center][img]http://www.stylishwife.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/120.jpg[/img] [sub][color=0072bc][i]Just because [/i]you[i] can't see them, doesn't mean I'm crazy[/i][/color][/sub][/center][sub]- - - - (Personal Details)[/sub] [b][color=0072bc]First Name:[/color][/b] Ebenezer [b][color=0072bc]Last Name:[/color][/b] N/A [b][color=0072bc]Age:[/color][/b] Varies between 28-36 depending on whom he's talking to [b][color=0072bc]Sex:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=0072bc]Home Nation:[/color][/b] Wont say. [b][color=0072bc]Appearance:[/color][/b] Ebenezer is six foot tall. He has medium length brown hair and a beard-mustache combo that is neatly kept. He has dark green eyes, nearly black. He has fair skin from spending lots of time indoors. He typically dressed in a suit or work casual. He always wears long sleeves, gloves, and a scarf to cover as much skin as possible. Under the clothes are carved symbols in his skin. Most appear to be nonsense, but others are arcane symbols found in the uncharted places in the world. [hider=Scars]In addition to some of the symbols used in Demonology he has symbols that match some of these: [img]http://neotokyoproject.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/enchant_01.jpg[/img] These symbols have been found elsewhere in the world after Ebenezer found them on his body. There are also other symbols that appear to be just nonsense, such a squiggly lines: [img]http://www.dscript.ca/dmanual/vert/poems/summers_day/000_final_600.gif[/img][/hider] [b][color=0072bc]Personality:[/color][/b] Most people say Ebenezer is crazy. Despite his sane appearance he has been known to mumble to himself about demons and to talk to nothing. He is a very secretive person and tends to lie a lot. Each time he tells a story it changes just a little. The common opinion is that nothing he says it true. Which leads into his paranoia, he claims Demons are after him. He also claims he has a Demon enslaved to his will that travels with him. Of course no one has ever seen it. Despite this Ebenezer is a very likable man. He's witty and pleasant conversationalist. [b][color=0072bc]History:[/color][/b] Each story he tells of his past changes. But a few details do always remain the same in every telling. It always starts with death and demons. [right][color=0072bc][i]When I was young, just a little boy, my family was killed by demons. They came during the night. I still remember hearing my parents scream. I shared a room with my brother, despite the fact my parents were extremely wealthy. When the screaming started I panicked, crawled under my bed and hid. My brother was always braver than I. He as three years older than me and my protector. He didn't hide as I did, despite my please for him not to go. When he left the room I cried, even as my parents stopped screaming. The silence afterwards was oppressive. I nearly almost wished for the screaming to come back. It must have given my brother pause too for he lingered at the door. After what seemed like an eternity I could finally hear his foot steps tread down the hallway, bare feet on wood. I hid my head in my arms and wept for my brother, sure that he would die. The silence stretched, then I too heard him scream. Thankfully his was short lived. I huddled even further under my bed when I heard a strange noise. It wasn't the sound of feet, or boots. It was a strange scratching noise and the sound of something heavy being dragged. I didn't dare look, couldn't, for I was frozen in fear as the noise grew closer and closer to my bedroom door. I prayed, for the first time in my life, that I might be spared. It must have worked for the [/i]thing[i] snuffed at my door before moving onto my sister's room. I don't remember them screaming, nor the rest of the night. When the servants rose to get the house ready in the morn, they discovered my family. And the blood. It took them two days to even realize I had hid in my room and was still alive...[/i][/color][/right]From there the story would go on to explain how he got started on his path to being a demonologist. Some tales recount how he ventured into the unknown and lived there, learning secrets from the land itself. Other telling told the story of him learning under a wealthy eccentric who had studied Demons before him. He also tells people that the demons gave him his scars that he has carved all over his body. Whatever the case, he ended up in Arcadia, studying in a very prestigious university, which was also funding his trip into the unknown. [b][color=0072bc]Occupation:[/color][/b] Demonologist/ Scholar/ Explorer [sub]- - - - (Power Matrix)[/sub] [b][color=0072bc]Primary Focus:[/color][/b] Demonology [b][color=0072bc]Magical Capabilities:[/color][/b] None. Through Demonology rituals he is able to summon demons and control them. He is only able to converse with Imp readily. If there is a Class A demon running about, Ebenezer could understand and communicate, but it'd probably kill everyone before the first word was out of his mouth. [b][color=0072bc]Body Modifications:[/color][/b] None, unless you count the scars [b][color=0072bc]Imp:[/color][/b] Imp is a summon demon that is invisible and intangible to everyone but Ebenezer. Imp is the size of a cat. Ebenezer has never given the same description of Imp twice, but he always includes the fact that it has furry ears and claws. Imp is a permanate summon, and thus must be within a few feet of Ebenezer at all times. [b][color=0072bc]Weapons and Equipment:[/color][/b] Four tomes on Demonology, a chest full of arcane supplies for Demonology (Summoning, slaying, etc) Longsword, twin pistols. His Demon Imp companion. [b][color=0072bc]Specialties:[/color][/b] Demonology, University schooling, and backing.[hider=The Real Story?][sub]- - - - (Personal Details)[/sub] [b][color=0072bc]First Name:[/color][/b] Lloyd [b][color=0072bc]Last Name:[/color][/b] Maginn [b][color=0072bc]Age:[/color][/b] 37 [b][color=0072bc]Home Nation:[/color][/b] Illon Republic [b][color=0072bc]History:[/color][/b] Lloyd was the youngest child of poor parents. He was five when his father killed his mother and then himself. His older brother was twelve and subsequently went mad. He drowned himself in the tub after they were taken in my their aunt. His older sisters had been off at school and as far as Lloyd ever heard married up the ladder into advantageous unions. Lloyd himself went a little crazy too. He began carving symbols into his skin with whatever he could find. His aunt eventually didn't care when he ran away, relieved to be done with the troubling boy. Lloyd ended up on the streets where he cemented the idea of demons. On the streets is where he "summoned" up the Imp that still travels with him. When he reached his middle teen years, he came under the attention of the Council of Magic and Arcane Science for spreading rumors of Demons. At first the CMAS thought him mad. However as they caught him once and studied his markings that changed. Some of the markings were pure nonsense. However some of them could be found elsewhere in the world, in the uncharted places, origins unknown. It was possible Lloyd had seen them before, but they were perfect scale replicas. Doubt crept into the minds of the Arch Mages that maybe Lloyd wasn't mad. However Lloyd slipped their grasp and escaped before they could truly determine his sanity. He reappeared as a young man in the capital studying at the post prestigious university. However, due to his backing by the school and a wealthy noble, the CMAS watched Lloyd, now going by Ebenezer quietly. Lloyd's paranoid seems to stem from the CMAS and their diligence and watching him. After all, he is actually being followed. [sub]- - - - (Power Matrix)[/sub] [b][color=0072bc]Primary Focus:[/color][/b] Never practiced. [b][color=0072bc]Magical Capabilities:[/color][/b] It's possible Lloyd has a innate ability to use either Ki or Arcane abilities. Or he just might be insane. It's hard to say because he knows some things he shouldn't know. For example, sometime he says he sent Imp to look at something, and knows what a (chart/book/something) might say, having never seen it. Other times he's just plain wrong. Sometimes he also can predict an event that will happen, but more often he's wrong. Just coincidence?[/hider][/hider] [/quote] Alright, you're good to drop your sheet in the characters section now, and I'll go ahead and fiddle with the demonology description a tad to coexist with this universe's physical laws. Sorry for the trials, but details are details and whatnot. I think I'll have Demons fall under a void nature that won't be common knowledge until far later in the RP.