[quote=@tex] Alright, you're good to drop your sheet in the characters section now, and I'll go ahead and fiddle with the demonology description a tad to coexist with this universe's physical laws. Sorry for the trials, but details are details and whatnot. I think I'll have Demons fall under a void nature that won't be common knowledge until far later in the RP.[/quote] Fiddle away. Better you than me. Haha. And NP, on the trials. Should have thought my actions through. Demonology=More work. I just should have made him insane only. Instead I made him super special. [quote=@Hatman1801] [@Blue Demon]I hope the imp is absolutely adorable. [sub][s]And will probably rend our flesh.[/s][/sub] [/quote] If you find furry ears and claws to be adorable. Sure. XD