[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] an unattractive woman has it 10x easier than an unattractive man, this is why they get the priority of advice. Ugly girls still get approached/hit on. Ugly loser guys wither away in the basement, no one approaches them. [/quote] Clearly you haven't been an unattractive woman. I actually have a really good hint as to why unattractive women don't get any of this "advice". They're virtually invisible. You see with men, their looks aren't valued as highly as when it comes to women. Women, more often than not, are described primarily by their looks, then as to their achievements and personality. While men can be 300 pounds and find love because of his hearty and hilarious personality, the same can not be said for women. In fact, having personalities that may be valued in men (as in more boisterous, more assertive) may even make a woman generally less attractive. Let's take a celebrity. Mila Kunis. Some men may find her really hot, while some may find her completely average or unattractive. All the while, if you take her and compare her to a truly average woman, she is far above the average woman in looks. A lot of times, men do not know what the average woman looks like. Because they're so focused on attractive women, ugly or average women (and not talking about those with disabilities or horrible disfigurements) are like blind spots to them. They just don't see them. I actually read a lot about this from the anon internet world. I read about a woman that brought her boyfriend to the DMV to rate women, and he had to keep changing his "rate" because women that he found unattractive/ugly were pretty much average. And another story where a man said he was asked to count the number of the women in a bar, then shortly after he realized he completely "missed" all of the women that were not conventionally attractive (older, heavier) and that other men were pretty much ignoring them too. While a woman's curvier shape and face symmetry is primarily determined by genetics, and she can't stop herself from aging, women consider a more widely range of traits in men that would make them more attractive. For example, just working out can make a man attractive, while if a woman is working out and has muscles, she's "too masculine". Yes, some unattractive women may get a bit of attention from those with a type of fetish, but unnatractive men are mainly single because either there's not enough girls, they haven't got the confidence to ask anyone out, or they exclude themselves from the rest of society. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Ugly loser guys wither away [i]in the basement,[/I] no one approaches them. [/quote] The reason why so many of this kind of advice is angled towards men is because it's simply easier to fix. And if you've managed to get this far in this huge post, great. Look up Lizzie Velasquez, aka "the ugliest woman in the world". She has a great personality. But her body's too thin and she's blind in one eye. Where's your advice for her? Get a haircut? Lift some weights? Bathe and stop playing video games? Try to wear nicer clothes? Be more assertive? These are all examples of advice catered to men, BTW.