Kansas City, David found it ironic that he was in another city named after it's state as he walked through the suburbs. The city look like every other city he had been through, cars in the middle of the street, random half-eaten bodies lay on the ground, and the undead wonder mindlessly. He was with a small group of survivors, but they wanted to avoid the city. Something about a number of the local supers being turned making the city more dangerous, but that was the story with most major cities. A series of loud bangs brought his attention to the sky. [b][u]“ALIVE INSIDE! SAFE COMMUNITY!”[/u][/b] appeared overhead fallowed by an arrow. David couldn't remember the last time he saw fireworks. He wasn't the only one enjoying the show. A handful of undead wondered onto the road, first looking at the sky then turning to him. He chuckled as he pulled out a hatchet, from his trenchcoat, that he had found a while back. The closest one moaned and stumbled forward. David rushed it and brought the hatchet down on it's forehead. It slumped to the ground as another came from his left. Sidestepping it as it lunges at him, he swings the hatchet hitting it on the back of the head. Two more came this time. Leaving the hatchet stuck in it, David reach into to a pocket and pulled out a metal lighter. Lighting it he then held his other hand over the flame for a moment. A ball of flame formed in his hand as the two undead came closer. David moved his hand in a fast slash movement and the flame blasted the two on their backs. He then held his hand out with an open palm. The clothes one them had caught fire, and now David forced the flames to cover them and increase in heat. In a moment all that was left was ash and bone. Pulling his hatchet out of the head he left it in and cleaning it, he faced where the fireworks had gone off. [i]That light would bring more than just survivors,[/i] he thought to himself. David didn't know how he felt about joining a new group, but it might be smart to at least investigate it. Setting the hatchet in a loop on the inside of his trenchcoat, David set off in the direction of the the fireworks.