[center][b]Ruins South of Astraea, Ethean Empire[/b][/center] The soldier held the Eye close to his chest, gasping for breath as he fled through the ruins. Cries of anger, fear, and pain echoed all around him, reminding him of the very real and constant danger he was in. The soldier stumbled over a piece of ruble, falling to his hands and knees, gasping for breath. He had run for what felt like miles all the while still outfitted in his heavy armor, although he had long ago cast aside his shield and javelin. He took a deep breath as he looked up towards Astraea’s massive walls, still in the distance. Perhaps too far. “You need to get up Nisus!” A comrade of the soldier cried, taking the soldier’s arm and hefting him to his feet. “I…know…” The soldier, Nisus, managed to wheeze out. “I just… need a second.” And that was about all he managed to get as a group of seven nomads ran into view. Nisus could only thank the world-mother that they were on foot. Nisus’ comrades drew their weapons and charged the nomads, crying for Nisus to go on ahead without them. Nisus didn’t argue, choosing to save his breath for running instead. No Ethean soldier had cause to fear a dismounted heathen anyways. And considering that Nisus held the Eye it was he, not his comrades, who were truly in danger. He ran and ran and ran. He continued to run even after each breath caused his lungs to burn like they were on fire. His legs felt like lead and yet he forced himself to not stop moving. Sweat burned his eyes and his mouth felt dry, yet still he ran. And he would continue until he was either dead or had seen the Eye to safety. [center][b]Astraea[/b][/center] Events had begun to move quickly and violently. The nomads had managed to muster about three thousand horsemen, just as Praetorian Brygus had predicted, and had formed a ‘U’ around the ruins, with about a thousand men to the south, east, and west respectively. Meanwhile many more Ethean troops had arrived, raising their number to thirteen hundred heavy cavalry and eighteen hundred heavy infantry, three hundred of which was already in the ruins. As it was the situation was highly favorable for Ethea. The Ethean and nomadic forces were almost equal in size, but Ethea’s infantry were infantry better suited to fighting in the ruins. Just as important was the presence of Ethea’s heavy cavalry. While light cavalry was not inherently inferior to heavy cavalry, and could be considered superior in some regards, in this instance the strength of heavy cavalry was more important than that of light cavalry’s mobility. However not all was good. From atop Astraea’s walls Emperor Orion could see several unidentified forces in the distance. Neither appeared to belong to the Tribe of Long Nights, which was both good and bad. One force, number around a thousand, consisting of men or some sort of humanoids riding larger more beastlike humanoids, charged towards the nomads from the south. The southern formation of nomads was slow to respond, but eventually turned the bulk of its force to fend off this new threat. Meanwhile the second unidentified force, which by Orion’s estimate was several hundred in number, seemed content to watch from a distance. Orion raised an eyebrow as fifty horsemen detached from the nomad’s western force and moved towards this unidentified force before stopping a more than respectable distance away. “The troops are assembled and ready to head out.” Brygus reported. “Very good” Orion commented and he observed the battlefield from atop one last time. He and he alone currently had the clearest understanding of what was occurring and he would be damned if he didn’t make use of this advantage. His eyes narrowed as a small detachment of nomadic horsemen neared the walls. Would they come too close? His question was answered almost immediately as a pair of ballistas, stationed on the turrets of Astraea’s walls, and Ethean archers rained death on the nomads. “Let us head out.” The Emperor said. The two men quickly made their way to Astraea’s southern gates where the force of Ethean soldiers were assembled. Thirteen hundred heavy cavalry and one thousand infantry in total. That would leave five hundred infantry to defend the walls; more than enough to hold back any halfhearted attempt to attack the city. After the Emperor and Praetorian mounted their horses Orion turned to address his men. “Beyond these walls wait our greatest foes” Emperor Orion yelled. “Even now they wage war on our brothers and on soldiers from distant lands.” The troops began to murmur at the mention of the foreign soldiers, but Orion’s strong voice silenced them. “I know not what the objective of these soldiers is, only that they are no friends of our foes. And that certainly sucks for those heathens for we number nearly as many as they do and I have never known Etheans to lose a battle except when overwhelmed by superior numbers!” Several thousand soldiers let out a cheer, some yelling derogatory remarks about the nomads. Orion waited for a moment before continuing. “When we ride out through those gates the heathens will defecate themselves in fear! They will see our glorious arms and know that their end is nigh! And historians will mark this day as the day that secured the empire another thousand years’ worth of history! Now ride my brothers!” He grabbed his mace and held it over his head. His men grabbed their swords, maces, and spears and did the same as the gates were opened. “Ride with me to glory!” Orion and Brygus rode at the head of the formation, guiding it towards the ruins. They could hear the sound of battle from the ruins. Several embattled Etheans in the ruins spotted the reinforcements and took up a cheer that quickly spread through the entirety of the ruins. The nomads seemed to waver for a moment before doubling their efforts to break through the Ethean lines and find the Eye. “There your Majesty, over there!” Brygus yelled from besides Orion, pointed towards a group of Ethean infantry that were trying to fight their way towards Astraea. They had apparently been forced out of the ruins and were desperately trying to fend off a group of nomadic cavalry. Orion steered his horse towards the battle, the rest of the heavy cavalry following him. The nomads, seeing the formation of heavy cavalry closing in, doubled their efforts to take out the infantry instead of fleeing. Those soldiers must have the Eye! Unfortunately for the nomads their attempts were in vain, the embattled Ethean infantry simply went into a turtle formation and fended the nomads off until Orion and the cavalry arrived, making short work of the nomads. One of the soldiers that Orion and the cavalry rescued stumbled towards the Emperor, saying “The…. Eye” as he held the object of the world’s desire out towards his saviors. The act must have spent the last of his strength for as Orion took the Eye from him he collapsed. Orion Eye the eye for a moment before thrusting it towards Brygus. “Take one hundred men with you and take this back to Astraea.” Orion ordered. “But-“ Brygus began, only to be cut off by his lord. “No buts!” Orion yelled. He then leaned in close and spoke with a much quieter voice “Even should we lose this battle, if we hold the Eye it will all be worth it. Now do your duty! And take this soldier back with you!” He gestured towards the collapsed form of the soldier that had offered the Eye to him. “As you command your Majesty.” Brygus responded. “Very good. Now I want the infantry to support our forces in the ruins. The rest of you… follow me!” He turned and charged towards the west and the force of nomads that could be found there. [hider=Summary]-Start of battle summary (so that we are all on the same page and so I can clearly give some info that wasn’t specified in the post itself). Ethea has a total of 1,800 infantry and 1,300 heavy cavalry. 300 infantry are in the ruins, while the remaining 1,500 infantry and all of the cavalry are in Astraea. The nomads have 3k light cavalry in the immediate vicinity of the ruins and form a ‘U’ around the ruins, with the eastern, western, and southern portions of their force each having about 1k men. There are more nomads in the region: 50 are following the Weald and 300 are following the grogar. There are also another 2k that will arrive in the next few days (so probably after the battle is over). The Weald has 200-400 troops (not sure how many exactly) and their leader is pacified. The grogar has 6k troops total. Their vanguard of 1k is charging the nomads at the start of the post. *If any of this is incorrect please correct me* The southern force of nomads sends 800 of its troops to combat the grogar, with the remaining 200 remaining in the ruins. The western formation of nomads sent 50 light cavalry to act as a delaying force should the Weald decide to intervene. (There is also the other 50 that were following the Weald troops). Ethea sallied from Astraea with 1k infantry and 1,300 heavy cavalry (leaving 500 infantry in the city along with the ballistas on the wall). After making contact with the soldiers taking the Eye, 100 cavalry begin to take the Eye back to the city. At this point the 1k infantry head towards the ruins to reinforce the troops there and the 1,300 cavalry charge towards the western nomadic force.[/hider]