[img]http://guidelive.imgix.net/1453318806-106310_D00007b-(2).jpg?fit=clip&q=60&or=0&auto=format&w=450[/img] Alecia Mallaway Age: 26 Gender: Female Equipment: A small hatchet, 10 feet of rope and a backpack with an extra pair of boots in it. Skills: Very good at talking to people and she is an avid runner, giving her a high metabolism. Personality: Alecia is quite a nice person, however she has a twisted side. Alecia can get along and hold a conversation with about anyone in her surrondings. Alecia knows that to survive, sacrifices have to be made. She is not afraid to get a little blood on her hands as long as it provides safety for her group and her herself. Alecia has been known to be a quick leader, however her ego gets in her way quite often. History: Alecia was born in a small city of about 300. She grew up outdoors with her father, learning to tie knots, climb trees, start fires and so on. The older Alecia got, the less and less she talked to her dad. When Alecia was 18, her father died in a car accident, Alecia was devastated and went into a phase where the only thing she ever did was run. She joined her city track team and was way on her way towards the Olympics, until the cold hit. After the world froze, Alecia knew she was alone. She had a small group, it was her and four friends. Once they were walking along a path when a major avalanche had struck, the group of five tried getting out. They didn't realize it, but they had all split up. Alecia was alone. She used the skills she had to survive for awhile, she tried to think her friends could be alive, until she found them. One by one she found dead body after dead body. She once again felt the way she did when her father had died. Alecia returned to running, but this time, it wasn't the same. It was memtally running, hiding from her problems. She lived alone for about two weeks until she found a camp and started to raid it, she was found and was held at gunpoint. Her choice, live or die. After awhile she joined the group that she lives with today. Alecia, still being very social dosen't make bonds with people, knowing they are going to die any day now.