I was just starting to calm down when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Alex. [b][i]"Hey, you okay? I um. It wasn't my intent to literally kill you with laughter. I'd hate to have to explain to the headmaster exactly what happened to you, ya know,"[/i][/b] he said, giving a chuckle. I took a deep breath and sat up as he removed his hand. "I'm all right," I said. "That was just...amusing. I don't know why I laughed for so long, but god did it feel good!" A smile lingered on my face, replaced by an anxious/embarrassed expression at his next remark. [b][i]"Well. Um. I suppose maybe we should get ready for bed. Um. Yeah."[/i][/b] His expression was nearly as embarrassed as mine was. I didn't think either of us had shared a room with anyone other than family or dormitory mates, at least not of the opposite sex. I maneuvered the table back to it's position with my wand, not saying anything for a minute. Then, semi-grudgingly, I stood up. "Yeah, you're right. We should," I said, picking up my bag. "I'll um. I'll go first," I headed into the lavatory and shut the door behind me. I ran a bath, filling it up faster out of impatience using 'Aguamentai,' and heating it in the same manner. I tried to linger in there, but I was running out of time. Reluctantly stepping out, I dried myself using magic, then dug out my pajamas, putting them on. Opening the door, I walked to my bed, avoiding Alex's gaze like he was the Plague himself. I was wearing very short shorts and a low cut tank top that left very little to the imagination. Setting my bag on the end table, I crawled between the magically-clean sheets, pulling them back over myself. "Good night, Alex," I said, too embarrassed to look over. [center]=================================================[/center] The next morning, the routine was much the same, I avoided Alex while getting ready. I only spoke to him when we went out of the Leaky Cauldron. "So, how does breakfast sound? There's this really cute cheap cafe I know of, just down the Avenue from the shopping center. They have chocolate chip scones," I said, grinning at the chance to eat some again. Over the times I'd been there, the scones were easily a weakness of mine. "Oh, and we're taking a cab this time. This is not negotiable. That bus was the worst thing in the world.