[hider=Gratuitous Quoting] [quote=@Takashi] "Do you get a sweet lil tail like I do~? Oh, wait, never mind - your tail is on the front. Maybe I should give the little guy a tug~?" "Hey now, we're still in public," Yutaro countered, though the grin he gave her was anything but bashful. "But maybe later if you ask me nicely I can show you how to make me purr." She gave him one of those alluring winks as if to say maybe, maybe not before resting on the bench. "I didn't think working as a waitress would be so tiring, but I'll admit, it's pretty fun. And you can stop drooling, you know, hehe!" "Heh, sorry, we cats can be easily distracted when thinking about milk." Now it was his turn to chuckle and toss her a wink, which he somehow managed to synchronize with a twitch of his left ear. "But seriously, I'm glad you like it here. It's a hectic business, but the crew here always has your back." "The night's still young, though. Even so, how goes the blackjack tables? Also, I hear there's like a concert going on or something. What's with that?"[/quote] [/hider] This whole exchange had me cackling like a mad woman!!! Ryoki and Yutaro have to be together, just so I can always have plenty of sexy banter to read. :D