[i][center][h3][color=9e0b0f]:::Casino:::[/color][/h3][/center][/i] The charge began, the mexican girl helping to turn the table from a heavy piece of cover to a ram. Eric was just happy he was on the right side of it. Of course he had been throwing cards into the mess of casino guards as they charged, throwing off the aim of the guns and keeping the enemy distracted as the metal ram tore into the VIP section. It was from that point pure chaos. Fists and bullets everywhere, Eric couldn't process it all. But then again, that was what Pann was for. Fear drove Eric to fade away from the top of the mind, allowing Pann to be in charge for a brief time. It was during this time that men would die. Pann may have been weak, may have been shackled to a card and now a pathetic and merciful human, but he was still a demon, one with experience. Cards were flying, one into the skull of a man as he ran towards Pann, two more with cards in their chests as they attempted to attack from two sides, another with a ace in his eye as he pointed his gun towards Pann. Leaping over a table Pann grabbed another deck of cards before flipping the wooden table onto the goons closing in. Standing on the overturned table Pann looked over the crowd, Thug was nowhere to be seen, likely just in the thick of it, the girl on the other hand damn near riding one of the bigger men in the room. [i][color=9e0b0f]"Cute girl, your going to have to introduce yourself Eric."[/color][/i] Pann said aloud, though unheard by the others due to the battle taking place. A horde of men, numbering eight, were rushing towards Pann and his vantage point. [i][color=9e0b0f]"Will ya mortals never learn?"[/color][/i] He asked as he held the deck he had picked up a moment prior. Then with one movement he threw the entire deck of cards, which scattered and butchered the men. Pann jumped down from his perch to stand over the sole survivor, a goon who took two card to the leg and one to the arm. [color=aba000]"Pl-please, I have a family."[/color] The man pleaded. Of course, Pann wasn't listening, instead placing his shoe firmly on the man's neck and slowly applying pressure. Then a faint snap, and he was dead. With the men near Pann dead he finally had the chance to hear sirens on the wind. As much fun as it would be to fight the law enforcement Pann knew he wasn't ready, this body still to frail and Eric likely to be taking it back any minute now. So Pann moved to the backdoor, turning around to shout, [i][color=9e0b0f]"Ya'll best be finishing up, we're going to be having friends over soon and it would be a shame to see you all dead so soon."[/color][/i] Pann would then throw two more cards, one aimed for the shin on the big man in the room that the luchadoress was fighting, the other aimed for a slot machine in the main room. When the card hit the machine it would lodge itself into the lever, pushing it forward and allowing the machine to start, in a moment the jackpot was spilling out of the machine, with nobody to collect. [i][color=9e0b0f]"I've still got it."[/color][/i] Pann said to himself as he slipped through the door out to what should be escape.