[@Lord Coake][@Vahir][@Sarpedon][@agentmanatee][@Bright_Ops] Riiiight, update is [b]finally[/b] up. For reference sake, the Albakin look like [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/0b6e988edb95c92d0c5ea030028b875b/tumblr_n0jhkoBeki1slj1yxo1_1280.jpg]this[/url], just with las-weapons[b][/b] instead of rifles. The Xenobanians probably like [url=http://www.2dartistmag.com/challenge_resources/31_jun09_amazon/references/03.jpg]this[/url] in regards to attire/armour, though some carrying flamethrowers and a few las-weapons. Brontians...well...they're Brontians. As I said in the IC, feel free to NPC them as you like, feel free to have your regiments push into the city and get stuck in as well. I'M setting up my little rescue effort for the Endorans, something [@Agent B52] and his tank may be useful for? [@Andromedai] and [@Tenlock], please make sure your sheets are accepted and then you can get posting. Neither of them look like they have much to be done to them, if anything. In fact, I intend for you ([@Tenlock]) to help with the rescue effort. [@jbeil], well, just post [b]anything[/b] or don't bother posting at all. To everyone else, we are still open for business, so if anyone wishes to take a stab at Orks...or Tyranids...or Necrons...Heretics...then [s]apply[/s] enlist now! Any questions?