Many don't know, but right now someone out there is not like us [i]normal[/i] humans; In more ways than one. They act differently, think differently, some even look differently. We couldn't accept these rejects into our society. Many of them committed feral acts. We are not insane, unlike most of them. So we, as humanely as possible, ship them off to a place where they can live, away from out society. To a place where they can be helped. But unknown to those who put the different there; they aren't being shipped away to be cured or helped. While alive at Brocklen Hall Asylum subjects are given a residence(room/cell) access to medication and nutrition. But there is a downside to residence here, treatment of the subjects by the head doctor; Dr. Brocklen, is anything but helpful to their condition. Experiments, harsh punishments and treatments less than ethical. No one every leaves the hall. Not alive at least. But in affects, no one cares. No one cares if you die here. [hr] [hider=The Hall] The Hall itself is placed on the outside of Melatroplisa. It is located in the the farthest left, farm field on the brinks of the rural protected boarder. A large yard named the ring surrounds the complex. The edge being 20 feet from the walls. The Hall in comprised like none other found. The way in is through a large gate at the front. Manned by one posted guard, changed every five hours. A station for the passing train is also near by, used for traveling staff and bringing patients alike from & to the city. a small reception is placed right from the entrance to the hall. Entrance to the staff halls is connected to the check in. Two wood painted, metal doors open towards a large sized circular hallway. Able to be seen through large stretching windows is a circular yard, know as the garden. Six wings stretch out from the circle. Two wings are for staff, as it is required to live their 6 months out of the year. The Children's ward, the Mixed ward and the Solitude ward are three other wings. From the middle a wing, directly across from the entrance the other side of the Garden is the amenities ward. [/hider] [hider=Mixed ward.] This ward is made for both males and females over the age of 18 in which they are considered adults and are transferred from the childrens ward. unlike the childrens ward, sleeping quarters are divided by gender. For privacy each inmate is allowed a private cell. Each cell is 6 by 8 feet in size. Containing that which looks like prison set up. Toilets are not provided in the cells, but instead in Lavatories set ups every ten cells for the previous detainees. Each cell is allotted a cot (known as a large steel bed frame with rounded corners for prevention of scrapes from the edges, in this cot is a mattress more comfortable than a gym mat but less comfortable than it could be, a small stool( shaped to fit three different height groups of prisoners) and a foldable table. All objects are secured into the walls or floor and are made from barely breakable materials. The center of this ward is a large common room. Commons being access to a controlled internet system, tv's with rated channels, and board games considered appropriate for inmate. Phones are also available in booths, all calls are monitored and recorded. [/hider] [hider=Children's ward] -TBD- no access area. [/hider] [hider=Solitary ward] For those who are missbehaving in anyway or need to be separated from the general population is put here. [hider=Paddedcells] [img][/img][/hider] are used to calm prisoners down. Children are put in a solitary play room. This ward is also were the offices for the doctors are. Labs and sedation chambers are at the end of the hall. [/hider] [hider=The Garden] The only outside area wards are allowed to be in is this circular grassland. Benches made of metal with curved edges the form of seating. Tree's with branches to high to climb easily and bushes trimmed to mimic the likeness of Doctor Brocklen and many other notable figures from the asylum. [/hider] [hider=Amenities ward] The first area you would enter from the first floor is two story high cafeteria/ gym. The tables can be folded into holes in the walls. The Large kitchen and pantry is behind the gym and is unopened to the wards. Above the gym/cafeterria is a walk around glass edged walk way. The track is to be able to observe the wards without physically being the the room. Also used as a ward walk way for prisoners to get to the two classrooms. One for classes taught in schools and one for Etiquette classes. [/hider] [hr] Welcome to Brocklen Hall Asylum. This rp if focused around the subjects, the different, You. Where we explore their adventures throughout the Asylum. How their situations differ, how they make their way through the facility, who if at all they will trust. From the worst psychotic criminals, arsonists and regular delusional's. To listeners,- Those who hear voices in their heads-and Multiple persona's. We hope you will have a good time here at Brocklen Hall. Rules: 1. Please be respectful of other patients here. Attacking of staff or other patients will succeed in 4 hours in the P.D.C 2. If you have questions about any of the fallowing please ask a posted staff member or look for posted charts. - Questions about the schedual - Complaints about other patients - Questions about Food - Facilities or programs - Release. 3. Do not argue with doctors or nurses or any other staff. The staff will decide on how long you will stay in the P.D.C if you do 4. Just because you are different does not mean special treatment. 5. Your number will be assigned after acceptance. 6. Excape attempts are punishable by 12 hours in the P.D.C 7. Hiding in your cell is not permitted unless you are told it is by a registered staff member. 8. All rules are subject to change without informing the public. [hider=Cs teplate] [noparse][b]Appearance:[/b] real/ realistic anime pictures please. Descriptions liked as well. [b]Name:[/b] full name [b]Number:[/b] [b]Age[/b] [b]Illness/Difference:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Please be reflective with this and the illness. [b]Text color:[/b] what's your characters color for speech. [b]Background:[/b]Some may have became this way, some should be here, some have been like this forever. What is your story? [b]Other:[/b] What else is there to know? [/noparse] [/hider]