Everything, huh? Let's take a look at the front page of the interest check sections for Free, Casual, and Advanced. For the record, I don't count mentions of "inspired by X" as a fandom RP unless it's actually using the world or characters from that inspirational work. The first page of each section has 30 threads listed, so let's see how the breakdown goes for fandom stuff versus original world/plot RPs. Free: 17 original, 13 fandom. Casual: 16 original, 14 fandom. Advanced: 19 original, 11 fandom. Oh look, less than half of them are fandom games. That's pretty far from everything, I think. Snark aside, if you're dissatisfied by the current RP fare then you have three options. Option one: complain about it; this is the wholly unproductive option which you are currently engaged in. Option two: wait and see if something decent comes up later. Option three: make your own RP that fits what you want from one. I suggest going the route of option three and planting that seed of creativity. It's better to add something of quality to the vast field of roleplays than to stand around talking about the lack of quality, after all. Option two is also acceptable if you're lazy or uncomfortable with being a GM. Option one is just not productive and ends up with people telling you to make your own RP if you don't like what's available, as happened in this thread already while I was typing this up. :lol