[@The Kraken](Kennedy) "Hey Kennedy." Bushwhackers monotone voice crackled over a radio sitting not far off from the young woman. Of the fourhundred some people that had made up their growing community only Bushwhacker, Kennedy, and Vivian were left-it spoke volumes to how competent the girls were in his mind. Even better she followed Bushwhackers directions to a T-which is how she had wound up playing lookout on the roof of the hotel. "You got eyes on anyone yet? So far I don't have eyes on anything-except shamblers, of course." He let off another shot, putting a corpse permanently to the ground. "And let me know if you see any scabs or runners. So far we've been pretty lucky." Although he had spent almost a week alone with the woman he called Kennedy it was clear he held no personal affection for her. In all honesty he didn't entirely trust the woman-which was saying alot, when at the end of the day she was actually the individual he trusted most. [@Kidd](Vivian)[@Mr Rage] As the two supers made their way towards the Casino they had no idea they were on a collision course for one another-the sets of arrows they had been following converging on the same large city street, the four lane road stretching for about 3 miles directly to The Star Hotel and Casino. Like most streets this one was also rather empty save for the randomly strewn about bodies and trash-a fair number of car wrecks, stalled, and abandoned vehicles littering the eerily silent road. No sooner had they caught sight of each other and exchanged a few words were the zombies upon them-a runners mangled body literally exploding forth from the window of a nearby store as two scabs-with their bulletproof skin-drug themselves from the wreckage of some nearby cars. Less worrisome were the handful of sh amblers pouring from the broken storefront window. [@The Kraken](Liam)[@Amelian Draco] Surviving his dash from the fire escape Liam navigated his way to safety with the talent of a man somewhat trained in militaristic engagements-setting off in the direction of the firework display. Just as the sprawling building came into view Liam was taken by surprise, three rather dirty but well armed men randomly bursting forth from the back end of a van with tinted windows. It was clear just by looking at them, from their grime covered bodies to the sick look in their eyes, that they were the type that had been surviving the outbreak by preying off of others. "Lookie Joe, told ya them fireworks would bring us somethin good!" A skinny beenpole of a man shouted at the largest of the group while keeping his double barrel trained on Liam. Little did the trio notice that David, the ex hero, had just so happened to make his way onto the same street-practically turning a corner and arriving behind the van. He could just make out Liam being held up by an unknown number of men in the vans backend. [@Kidd](Lilah) Lilah, one of the soul survivors of the original Casino Community, deftly made her way around the infected city streets. Bushwacker, the often times aggravating leader of the three person community, had sent her out to investigate Childrens Mercy Hospital. The large building she now sat in front of, silently awaiting the telltale sign of a zombie-luckily after a few moments she heard nothing but silence; allowing her to venture past the man made (and extremely gore riddled) barricades infront of the hospital. For the past two weeks the whole group had been able to make out the large building that was Childrens Mercy Hospital each night- the rather tall structure illuminating in the night like a beacon. Unlike The Star, which Bushwhacker had instilled a fierce “no visible light policy” at night, the hospital would fill the night with zombie attracting light. Bushwhacker assured both Kennedy and Lilah (in one of their brief encounters, he normally kept himself locked away) that this was just the hospitals generators kicking on of their own accord-nonetheless he had sent Lilah out to quickly scout the location on the off chance that there was a surviving community there-if not she was to evaluate the medical supplies left and determine if a future supply run there would be worth it.