[hider=Hester][img]http://wallpaperbackgrounds.com/Content/wallpapers/fantasy/pirate/fantasy-pirate-girl-27538.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Mary Elizabeth Corkoran Prismall [b]Callsign/Nickname:[/b] Hester [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] She stood at a mere 5'7", with a light frame and athletic build. She didn't have the body of a warrior and was hardly at an intimidating stature. However, it was the way that she carried herself which showed others that this young woman was a determined force, diligent enough to achieve what ever goal she had and proud about it. The girl would stand with a wide gait, hefting her shoulders up as if a string was pulling her head to the ceiling. One hand was almost always resting on the hilt of her sword, whilst the gaze of her one bright emerald eye seemed to peer off into the distance, as if she were searching for something. Smooth, tanned skin was pulled tight over light muscle. Exposure from the sun must have been a constant in this woman's life, as her fleshy color had long ago been changed into a darker hue. This made an old wound across her face very prevalent, the scar like a pink stroke on a dark canvas. This scar began at the lobe of her left year, traversing it's away upward across the cheek, past the left eye, across the bridge of her nose, and ending just before the right eye. Perhaps this would explain the black eye patch she wore, comically decorated with the classic 'jolly roger' symbol. Mary Elizabeth's hair was red, what one would almost consider orange considering it's hue. Her hair was some what wavey and flowing but cut short, ending at the point of her neck where a man's Adam's apple would be located. The sailor often kept her hair back a bit with a bandanna which she tied around her forehead and underneath the mess. Lips that held a feminine hint of pout were often held slightly agape in a smile, resting just below a nose that pointed upward ever so slightly and held a golden ring through the septum, brandishing a series of straight white teeth that were well taken care of. The high cheek bones and contours of her face were obvious but were not overbearing, as she was healthy enough to have flesh on her bones. Her face ended with a some what pointed chin and her head rested on a slender neck. Although she was hardly one that tried to perfect the capabilities of her body, years of physical labor and general well being left her with an obvious athleticism. There was hardly any fat on her and small amounts of muscle were obvious in her arms, legs, and abdomen. One could imagine that she was stronger than the average woman, although it was obvious that most physically empowered men, along anyone who had truly honed themselves for combat could easily overpower her. The grace in which she moved hinted at a certain speed and flexibility which would be useful in sword fighting and parrying, however. The clothing she often wore was plain and usually a little worn. Specks of dirt, oil, and other things could commonly be seen staining her clothes here and there, along with a few rips and tears from activity. Her shirts were often a little loose fitting, seemingly meant for a male's frame, and usually of the button up fashion. She solved this problem by either making a tie in the back or creating a knot in the front across her chest, revealing her stomach and the golden ring that went through her belly button. She kept her sleeves rolled up at all times and wore hard leather gloves that served as gauntlets when she was at work or in combat. She seemed to only have two pairs of pants, both made of a softer leather like material and seeming to be near exact copies of each other except for the color. One came in a reddish color and the other was jet black. These pants were always held at the waist by a utility belt, with the beautifully adorned and decorated sheathe of a cutlass blade hanging at the hip and to the side. Among this belt was a series of pouches and containers which held various things as well, including a coin purse, a pouch of tacks, a flask, and more. [b]Place of Birth:[/b] She was born and raised on a small vessel which belonged to her father, often stopping at ports all across the Scrapsea. [b]Status:[/b] Clean. [b]Weapon:[/b] Her favored cutlass, which is always at her side. It is a blade that is well taken care of and although it seems to have some age, it is beautiful in the fact that the hilt's metal is gold and down the side are seemingly expensive jewels. The number '203' is printed in small numbers on the blade's side. [b]Biography:[/b] Ever since she was a girl, Mary Elizabeth belonged to the ocean. Although that could be said about most people in this world, it was especially true for her. She was born on a ship that belonged to her father, which sailed the seas and went from port to port. Mary Elizabeth's father was a jack of all trades in a sense, although he was naturally talented at sailing. The man was not vicious enough to be a mercenary and was not cruel enough to be a pirate but the ocean called to him and no job seemed to be able to keep him satisfied. The man chose to gather a small crew of friends and using the ship that was passed down by his own father, he took to the sea in search of a way to make a living. He never had the ambition to hunt for treasure but one might have considered him a scavenger of sorts. He came upon abandoned ruins, the wreckage of ships, and ghost towns, taking what ever he could find and selling it for profit. The man used what money he had to buy inventory at one port and sell it at others. Although it wasn't stable and nothing was guaranteed, he loved his life. When Mary Elizabeth was born, her father taught her everything that he knew. The two of them worked together in this lifestyle until the age of 18, when bandits attacked their ship. The bandits had murdered Mary Elizabeth's father, taken her eye in an ensuing struggle, and the ship was set aflame, the young sailor barely surviving and sent afloat on a broken piece of the ship's wooden frame. Ever since she escaped certain death, the woman has been driven to prove to her father, who rest in the heaven's, that she could be the saltiest sea dog to ever grace the Scrapseas. She spent the rest of her life joining what ever crew would take her, from merchant vessels to pirate cogs. Finally, she came across another crew with great promise, claiming to seek things that no one else had ever found before, see places that no one had ever been to, and so on. Although she took it with a grain of salt and saw it as just another crew needing an extra hand, perhaps this one would turn out to be different? [b]Skills:[/b] Mary Elizabeth is well versed and skilled in a lot of ship knowledge. She could steer a ship through the toughest waves or tie a knot that could hold an elephant. Although she is no astronomer, she can read any oceanic tool and can navigate excellently given the proper equipment or maps. She never formally learned this information through study but rather through experience, so when working with others she can end up easily frustrated if things aren't done her way. The woman also has a rather interesting fighting style, although this might not be considered a skill in itself. Her opponents find her to be 'unreadable', she has a wild style that results from any lack of real training. Seemingly random and unnecessary movements along with a fast pace seem to keep her foes on edge and keep them guessing.