[b]Name:[/b] Usually goes by ‘John’, but also goes by the ‘whatever you want’ policy [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Height:[/b] 5’8 [b]Weight:[/b] 125lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] The really pretty boy shebang. He has what most could say was a face carved by angels, at least, by the slum’s standards. His build is medium-slim-ish, and he looks a little younger than he is…which suits some of his clients just fine. His hair is naturally very red, but he bleaches it blonde often. His eyes are a bright and lively green. [b]Occupation:[/b] Rent-boy, gay-for-pay, porn actor, drug addict, gold digger, thief [b]Personality:[/b] At a glance, or by casual contact, he seems pretty laid back. To his clients, he’s ‘friendly’ enough. In porn, he knows how to mesmerize. To family, he’s…to anybody else wasting his goddamned time, he’s cold. Pay him for some of his time, or you don’t get any of his love. Under the surface of all this, he is mistrustful of all who he deals with. He’d been used before, and is used to it…but can’t invest his feelings into making actual friends, only partners or just clients. [b]Bio:[/b] At age seven, his firefighter father was killed in a tragic apartment fire, and his mother couldn’t quite cope with this. Quickly thereafter, his mother sought comfort in him, the sort of comfort that his diseased father could no longer provide. Taking this form of confusing abuse from his mother for far too long, he eventually ran away… There’s a lot of uncomfortable gaps, further situations and escalations that go on from there, selling his body for a place to stay or a bite to eat, doing the whole gay-for-pay business, gold-digging on sugar mommas and sugar daddies alike, getting under and getting out from under the thumb of a greedy pimp, getting into drugs and alcohol, being paid for bondage and similar situations, doing a porno or two once he became legal, being kidnapped once or twice…yet, somehow, he survived to become a shrewd businessman sort of prostitute. Still, he is ever knee deep in this business, and everything cycles back around eventually. When he is alone, he is often given a chance to ruminate on his self-loathing and poor life style choices. Why didn’t he leave this life style when he got enough money, once or twice? Maybe he deserved this all, maybe his mother saw a reason to punish him that he was too stupid to see…at that point, he’d contact a hustler friend about buying some crack cocaine, and then he’s good for the night. [b]Other:[/b] -He had a case of Chlamydia and then Syphilis treated a while back, and only got rid of his crabs recently…so he’s good to go. -He’ll engage with sexual activity with anybody willing to pay, but doesn’t believing in real relationships anymore. -With the money he makes, he was able to split rent for an apartment with another male prostitute. -Won't name names, unless you pay the price higher than what he was paid... -Stray cats happen to like him, and he happens to like stray cats right back. -He also never did find out what happened to his mother after he left… -8-inches, skilled in the sack, condoms on.