[center][h1]A New Start[/h1][/center] The merged are known as the children of the pantheons. After the old gods decided to accept the existence of the other pantheons children were born from between the pantheons. However there was a war between the old gods and the children, and eventually all that was left was the Merged. Many events have transpired after that which lead to the recreation of the earth after wiping out most of the mortals. It has been 30 years since the world had to be rebooted. The humans had been why such a reboot was needed. They first tried to play god by bringing back the dead. After that they caused irreversible damage to the earth through their wars. After the war between the resurrected old gods and the merged the earth was damaged more. And then the final nail in the coffin was hit when the mortals decided to rise up against the gods to prove that the gods were useless. The earth had enough of being hurt at this point and fought back. The humans found themselves not being fought by the gods at this point, but instead the earth itself. The earth swallowed whatever humans it could at this point. Then the earth hardened itself and soon enough new life bloomed from it. With this the Merged were tasked with creating a new race for the earth. However instead of just one race there were several. All unique in their own way, all fighting for supremacy on earth to become the new humans. It was a new age for the earth, new races had been created, each of them lead by a different group of gods. Some animals and humans remained though they worshipped the gods in hopes that the same disaster would not happen again. [hider=Rules] Old gods may have multiple children, even with multiple partners. (They can be reused) No godmodding(accidental pun), auto hits or whatever without permission. If there is a fight between gods (1 vs 1) please play fair, I don't want a dodge fest. All CS must be posted in the ooc to be accepted by me or a co-gm. If you have an idea for a subplot or even the plot as whole let me know! I'll do my best to accommodate it. If you have a God I don't know about please post a link to information on them. Posts must be at least a paragraph long. When it comes to the smexy stuff anything past kissing goes to pms For personal reasons the Christian Pantheon is off limits I and my Co-Gms have the right to take temporary control of your Civilizations for the purpose of Story. Have fun, and be creative! If you would like to be caught up on what is currently happening within the rp please feel free to ask. By posting your CS to this rp you have accepted the terms and conditions. [/hider] [hider=Timeline] 1700s- All of the gods from all of the pantheons meet. 1800s- first of the Merged is born. 1900s- bickering about what to do with the Merged gods starts 2000s- War begins between the Merged and the Old Gods. 2014- The war is won by the Merged. 2016- Zombie outbreak. 2017- Humanity is devoured by the earth itself. [/hider] [hider=Child CS] (picture or appearance here) name: gender: godly parents: sphere of control: personality: sacred animal: Civilization: (The civilization they preside over)(Can be humans remade)(Can be none) powers: weapon(s): History: other: [/hider] [hider=Things to know] Flemmings is the head of the council. Each race starts with only 1000 of them. They will grow. If you intervene with mortals too much there will be consequences. The Dej can create portals and are the trading capital of the world as such. [/hider] [hider=Civilizations] (Picture or description of Race) Name of Civilization: Leadership Style: (None, Democratic, Dictatorship, Tribal, Monarch, Other) Powers of race: (If any) Unique traits: (If any) God or Goddess: Location: Other: [/hider] [hider=Race Locations] Egypt: Chacals Neja: Iran Dej: Saudi Arabia Imperial: Canada Tari: Arctic Circle Tharki: Scotland Duskician: Greece Mirifakino: Scattered across Asia Slimilili: Polynesian Islands Humans: Pheonix Arizona Myclings: London Inklings: New York Anglic: Tibet [/hider]