Time was of the essence. Desperation stepped away from the gorgan as she failed to respond quickly enough for his liking, deciding to take matters into his own hands before the situation completely got out of his control. Sprinting over to the bar now that security was per-occupied with the rest of the team, the plague doctor leaped over the bar with a surprising turn of fitness. The process of creating Molotov cocktails wasn't that hard and soon enough the doctor had a small supply of them in which to use. Lighting the cloth on one of them, the first flaming projectile was lobbed towards the stairway that led up to the front door; Something to keep the police busy while they made their escape out the back. A few more flaming bottles were randomly thrown about the room in order to ensure that the place was going to be going up in flames tonight... or at the least cause enough damage with fire and water to make gathering solid evidence about what happened and who was involved insanely difficult. Before he leaped over the bar once more, Desperation grabbed a couple of bags located behind the bar; Once clear, a molotov was lobbed against the bar itself in order to make sure that the fire got itself going rather nicely. As the building started to burn, the plague doctor took something of a detour from the path to the exit in order to go through the currently open door that lead to a little side room where a man or woman would normally sit behind a barred window in order to exchange chips for cash or vice versa. The chip taker in question tonight had been a man just out of his teens... currently on the floor in a pool of his own blood due to a bullet wound in his neck, his body still twitching as the last traces of life within him tried to hold on just a few breaths longer. Removing his heart had been quite easy; Despite the 9mm pistol the boy wielded, he was in no condition to use it and Desperation was rather skilled with his tools as he made the operation happen rather quickly. Before the smoke had gotten the chance to properly start to build up from the fire, the boy's heart was carefully placed in one of the bags that had been brought while the good doctor started to shovel cash into the other bag. A little girl was going to gain a new lease on life because of a poorly aimed shot and if enough of the body was uncovered a message would be sent... As for the cash, considering that they were getting a new lair a bit of spending money to help fix it up would no doubt be welcome. Once both grim tasks were done, Despration finally made to leave via the backdoor. His choice of outfit aided him here; His mask helped him get through the smoke a lot easier then without it. He didn't say anything as he left to follow the others... there really was nothing to say.