[color=F19CBB]"My my, Yuki-chan. How [i]lewd[/i] of you,"[/color] Ayumu covered his mouth with his hands, eyes widened with the same feigned shock as his tone during his initial statement. [color=F19CBB]"You do know that this isn't [i]that[/i] kind of story, right?"[/color] he said those words with a much straighter tone as he lowered his hands and cracked a cheeky grin. He didn't verbalize it, but it was comforting to know that someone cared enough to worry about him getting involved in [b][u][i]highly unlikely[/i][/u][/b] erotic situations with his peers. Well, maybe not [i]that[/i] comforting. The idea of something like that had to come from somewhere... [color=F19CBB][i]'...I believe that is my cue to think about... something else,[/i] anything[i] else.'[/i][/color] Ayumu averted his eyes and looked to the rest of the group, now minus one Hisaki, who - in a legitimately unexpected turn of events - decided to take up Yoshiaki's challenge and race for the privilege of not being the person to pay for lunch. [color=F19CBB]"Oh Yoshiaki-kun, don't you know?"[/color] Ayumu mused, crossings his arms behind his back as the dark-haired mafia boss and his fellow racers sped past the long-haired youth, [color=F19CBB]"One is not a loser because they must pay for everyone. No, isn't the real loser the one who gets all dank and sweaty before a day out with their peers?"[/color] He walked continued a silent walk, pondering the philosophical implications of what he'd just said... for about a five seconds, after which he determined that buying food for seven people without a designated spending cap would be hell on his bank account, and that one may not be a loser because they must pay for everyone's meals, but rather one must pay for everyone's meals [i]because[/i] they are the loser. Alas, he had lost before he could even begin. They were all [i]so very[/i] far away, and so much more athletic than he. But instead of musing upon the unfairness of life - or rather, his lack of participation in sports clubs or delinquent gangs (except this one!) - Ayumu mentally waved his concerns away in favor of the tried and true tactic of university students everywhere. That is to say, crossing the proverbial bridge when they get there. Besides, he could dance, so at least he had that going for him. [color=662d91] "I hope I am not to late I had some final clarifications I needed to clear up." [/color] At the sound of a voice with just the right tinge of stoicism, Ayumu's face lit up. [color=F19CBB]"Oh! I didn't expect you to come around and join Sacchin,"[/color] he answered excitedly, practically a cheer actually. It was rare to see Sachiko come around to something he invited her to; normally he had to be the one to make everything run smoothly (as many lunchtime hunts could attest). At this point, he was just glad that she was breaking out of her shell, probably. Hopefully it just coincided with the mafia thing by coincidence and not by correlation; it's not like the Namimori needed [i]more[/i] delinquents. [color=F19CBB]"Actually, you're just in luck; we're down a man. But you're welcome to go race with Yoshiaki-kun if you don't wanna walk with me,"[/color] he smiled softly and gestured in the appropriate direction.[color=F19CBB] "But if you're gonna run off - and even if you're not - I have ask. Why join up with this mafia business?"[/color] [s]and not when I try to introduce you to new people ;3;[/s]