Flashback: [@MyCatGinger] Having left the Shining Kettle, Shizuka made her way back to campus and to her dorm room; there were still several hours until her dinner with Alban, just enough time to finish grading the final projects and exams for Dr. Matsuoka's class. While she was grading, Shizuka looked outside at the dreary weather; well, at least most people thought it was dreary. Shizuka didn't mind the rain, in fact, she rather liked it. The cold and the wet had a somber, muting, calming effect on the world, while it simultaneously revitalized the earth. When it came time, Shizuka headed out, taking public trasnportation to get to Le Bistro, where she'd meet up with Alban. While riding the bus, she got a text from Shou asking about the grading. Shizuka texted back to let him know that everything was ready to return to the students on Monday. [quote=@Viciousmarrow] [color=6ecff6]"Oh, no. Don't worry, I've only been here for 5 or 10 minutes. I'm an early bird, I suppose."[/color] he responded to her, noticing her eyes dart to and fro as though she was expecting someone else. Al was a bit confused by that, but he played it off. Perhaps she had just seen someone or something behind him. [color=6ecff6]"You've seriously never had French food before? You've been missing out on a lot, mademoiselle!"[/color] the blond man exclaimed, adding a pseudo-French accent to his last sentence. He quickly opened the door for her, and ushered her inside. The restaurant's aesthetic was very authentic inside, very much resembling the Parisian eateries he had been to in his time in France. The floor consisted of black-and-white tiles, the ceiling, a nice cream color, was adorned with many lights, and the walls were a mahogany brown. If Alban didn't know better, this place could be mistaken for being a real French diner. Their hostess, a young Japanese woman, greeted them with a curt bow. [color=6ecff6]"I have a reservation under the name Voclain for 9:35. There's 2 of us."[/color] Alban told the hostess. Checking the list over, the woman quickly found his name. "Right this way please." she told them, now holding two menus in her hand. They were led to a private booth in the corner of the restaurant, away from the prying eyes of the public. A single flickering candle was sat in the middle of the table, its small flame dancing to its own beat. Fortunately, there weren't too many people eating here this late at night on a Sunday, so the restaurant felt relatively exclusive and quiet. As they sat down, their waiter came over. "What can I get you two to drink?" he asked them. Al thought for a moment, rubbing his chin. [color=6ecff6]"Can I get a bottle of red wine and two glasses? And of course whatever she wants."[/color] the blond man requested, shooting a look at Shizuka. [color=6ecff6]"If you want the true French experience, you'll need at least [i]a[/i] glass of wine with your meal! It accentuates the taste."[/color] Alban appeared to be entranced by this restaurant, a giddy smile on his face. [color=6ecff6]"This place reminds me of home... It feels like forever ago."[/color] he uttered, his eyes sparkling in the light. [/quote] [color=a187be]"The wine will be fine,"[/color] Shizuka said to the waiter. Since she wasn't very experienced in this environment, she decided she'd simply go along with Alban's recommendations. Shizuka didn't drink often, she'd had sake a few times at formal events, and beer when she went on outings with her classmates, but never in great quantities. She had never had an alcoholic beverage that wasn't made from grains, sake being made from rice, and beer being made from barley or wheat, so wine made from grapes would definitely be a new experience for her. However, the short walk from the entrance to their booth made Shizuka feel uneasy. Shizuka looked around one last time in a futile attempt to locate Alban's wife, but the size of the booth and the fact that the reservation was for two was evidence enough that it really was just going to be the two of them. [color=a187be]"E-excuse me but..."[/color] Shizuka began feeling rather awkward, [color=a187be]"I was looking forward to meeting your wife..."[/color]