[center][color=9e0b0f][h3]Dana Harada[/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NiussKb.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] Diner, Olympus Academy [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Rebekah Cross [@Krayzikk][/center] Dana considered that for a minute. She was far from the type of person who would let out a blanket [color=9e0b0f]"no, it's okay, what you're doing is very interesting Rebekah-chan,"[/color] but this actually seemed like a topic of relevance to their lives. From her schedule, it appeared that much of what they were learning corresponded to the exploits of their parents. Dana was not so foolish to believe that the school they served as benefactors for, run by sycophant teachers, would serve them anything less than tales that were as idealized as Greek mythos could get. Still, being so non-specific in her declaration of interest would be insulting. Clearly the girl had put much work into this, even going to lengths to interview her mother time and again on the exploits of the Olympians. Besides, Dana herself knew well that something as lazy as [color=9e0b0f]"that sounds cool"[/color] more often than not implied that you had breezed through the other person's words without truly listening and engrossing yourself in what they had to say. Dana may not have had to say [i]much,[/i] but she was certainly polite enough to listen, and respond as intently as the other person in the conversation merited. Rebekah was threatening her way into an upper echelon of said acquaintances - and besides, it may be that she had a few of the answers Dana herself had puzzled over. [color=9e0b0f]"Has your research..."[/color] she paused, thinking of the word that best fit, [color=9e0b0f]"[i]yielded[/i] anything on why so many Olympians strike so far east? I find our...[i]high[/i] number of Japanese students intriguing."[/color]