[hider=my character] [center][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/059/e/1/anime_boy_render_by_kiritowaifu-d78eg9u.png[/img][/center] [center][h3]"Do I make you uncomfortable? Well... That's a shame."[/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Eridan Alrun, or you can call him Er(pronounced like -air) or Eri [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Magic:[/b] [color=black][b]Guillotine Sword[/b][/color] Eridan's magic power manifests in Dark Magic, his primary spell being [b][color=black]Guillotine Sword[/color][/b]. When he uses it, a downward-facing portal appears in an area of his choosing and a large black sword shoots out of it with the force of a guillotine. The sword lingers and can be used as a weapon, however it has some restrictions. First of all, it is rather heavy and is difficult to swing. Eridan is able to lift it just fine, and he could throw it in a pinch, but he'd only be able to swing it properly once or twice. He isn't proficient enough to follow up with it just yet. The second restriction however is much more unusual. [b][color=black]Guillotine Sword[/color][/b] only does damage downwards. If he swings it horizontally it won't cut, if he swings it upwards nothing will happen. He can only swing it at downards angles or completely downwards in order to do damage, but when that occurs the sword becomes incredibly sharp. It can easily cut through concrete when the conditions are met, and even with just the aid of gravity it can do a lot of damage. [b]Second Spell:[/b] [b][color=black]Shadow Portal[/color][/b] The same magic that summons the Guillotine Blade is the same magic that Eridan needs to use in order to use it at full effectiveness. [b][color=black]Shadow Portal[/color][/b] opens two portals at target locations which Eridan can jump through. He can use this to get over an opponent to bring down the Guillotine, but its primary function is to confuse the hell out of people by going to seemingly random spots until he's ready to strike. He has an almost unlimited use of this spell and is quite proficient with it. [b]Personality:[/b] Eridan happens to enjoy making people uncomfortable. It's always delightful to see people react to him, and particularly when they become 'aware' of him. He relishes those moments when people find out something about him and it made a visible impact on them. It may not seem like it some of the time but he's always watchful of how he appears to other people. [b]History:[/b] Eridan doesn't tell people much about his past, partially because he thinks he'd like the look on someone's face if he told them, and secondly because he'd like to move on from it. That being said, he really has nothing except his past, and the only thing he really ends up thinking about are his past, and all the things interesting about him stem from his past. He lives alone, would do better in school if he felt it would be a good idea, Eridan is his third first name and Alrun is his second last name. If anyone would want to find out his backstory and why his sword has seemingly permanent bloodstains on it, they'd have to ask him themselves. [b]Likes:[/b] Making people uncomfortable, performing well [b]Dislikes:[/b] Nothing really [b]Personal Strengths:[/b] Good at combat, good at academics, mysterious [b]Personal Weaknesses:[/b] Purposely mysterious, actual social interaction [/hider]