[b]September 10th, 2016. Charleston Harbor. Dock 15 Warehouse.[/b] [color=8c8c8c]As the vampires spiked with power the [i]somewhat[/i] more masculine thrall pressed his hair back with the flat of his palm, perhaps it [i]was[/i] a nervous tick that seeped through conditioning. The woman had disappeared into her phone, seemingly ignoring the display entirely. It seemed to take some of them a bit more time than others to regain composure. He nodded in response to their questions and when it appeared they had asked all the questions they would be asking, the male thrall offered a nod and a muttered, “Ok,” and then he clapped his hands together. The female thrall made her way around the room, handing each occupant a cream colored envelope, reminiscent of their first contact, while he launched into another rehearsed and loquacious speech. “X would hate to be the cause of any unfortunate circumstances befalling you on his account, so, before we get any more detailed it would be best to see who is with us. If you decide to stick this out the envelope mainly functions as a more permanent blood pact. Once you are a mile away from this place the original one will no longer protect any future meetings or information. The second function of the envelope is the information within, activated by the blood pact.” The woman had finished passing out all of the envelopes and had made her way back to a chair she chose not to occupy. The male’s voice carried on. “We considered that a blood oath would be in order so X drew this one up for you. If you choose not to participate then this will be the last time you should think about us, so thank you for the consideration and good luck.” He cleared his throat and retrieved a single cue card from his back pants pocket and began to read: “Any knowledge pertaining to this blood bound group; including, but not limited to: relationships, conversations, contact, reflection or attention will be inaccessible in any attempt to share, of your own volition or otherwise, by way of any and all forms of communication with anyone that has not entered into this same blood oath.” “While we”, gestures to himself and the other thrall, “can not be included in such a blood pact, there is an added addendum that includes us in this business arrangement, circle of trust if you will. X ensures that our minds will be cleared routinely of this matter on the off chance we are captured; it is included in the bloodpact that makes up the envelope. It is advised you read it over and be sure it is to your liking. Until next time, have a lovely evening and best of luck to you.” They made no move to exit, but he clasped his hands in front of him and began looking towards the door while the female thrall continued to be disconnected.[/color] [hider=Inside the Envelope] [indent][color=d3d3d3]I am pleased that you have decided to fight. I apologize for the unfortunate circumstances that keep me from attendance. At the current time I have as many friends as enemies that would frown upon my endeavor with such an eclectic and youthful group. I am weary of both. Though no one seems to be weary of you. They are stuck in a mindset, in a system where you barely exist. Sometimes the only way to fix a system, a ruling class, is to tear it apart. One way to do this is from the inside out. There are other ways, and I trust between a few of you creativity, deceit and destruction shouldn’t be a problem. I find myself with a wealth of knowledge pertaining to the self absorbed Barons, but I lack the invisibility to use it to the greatest advantage. That is where you come in. Any plans I have made are loose. I leave the majority of the planning up to you. I provide the knowledge, and you do as you please with it.[/color] [indent][b]Orthrus: The Baron of John’s Island & Lissa: The Baroness of James Island[/b] [color=d3d3d3]Orthrus has previously angered many of the other Barons. He is an easy target to isolate. I believe the others keep him around for entertainment purposes and because they fear the mess he would cause. A thin treaty exists between himself and Lyssa, one that can easily be disturbed. One of the main conditions of this treaty is that those under his watch do not disturb the mental institution. So I suggest you do just that. This will keep Lyssa occupied and emotional while also isolating Orthrus. Isolating him further from any allies will be beneficial. The mental institution is off of River Road before you reach the Charleston Executive Airport. If you head east you’ll reach the Stono River which separates Lyssa and Orthrus’ territories. Lyssa’s territory is moderately guarded. There isn’t much to steal and most rogue vampires stay away due to the rumors about the insanity that lives there. I would expect a few roamers here and there, nothing a bit of stealth and power can’t handle. Consider staking it out prior. Lyssa is powerful and honestly, quite terrifying. Do not attempt any confrontations with her. Run. She ventures around often, so drawing her attention elsewhere is advisable. Fear is extremely relevant as a means to convey the Orthrus calling card. [/color] [/indent] [indent][b]Lenore: The Baroness of Mt. Pleasant & Maike: The Baroness of Cainhoy Peninsula[/b] [color=d3d3d3] A little background: Maike and Lenore have never liked one another, though Maike used to be much more aggressive in her hostility. Maike is a formidable foe, specifically in a physical fight, but Lenore is much more conniving. Maike would attack and steal some territory only to have Lenore retaliate in unspeakable ways. The Monarch forced them to move beyond it, so they pretend, but if you ever happen upon the two their eyes will tell the story of a battle most eternal. Ah, So many powder kegs in this city of ours and so few matches. I digress, I have a particular plan, but if you feel you aren’t prepared by the time frame do not attempt it. On September 28th. at approximately 3AM a shipment will be removed from a ship at the port authority in the French Quarter. This is completely out of Lenore’s MO which means that there is something she is hiding in that box. Lenore runs some of the largest ports out of her own district. assures me that the Baroness plans to keep a distance from the box for deniability reasons, but that it is important to her. She has discussed the delivery with no one of importance, which means she hasn’t cleared it with anyone. This will take a keen eye for detail and a well thought out plan. The Raven may not know anyone is coming, but she always suspects it. It is likely the shipment will be heavily guarded. She employs vampires from a multitude of lines with a variety of skills. She almost has at least one scout and one trail so don’t only focus on the group. On the off chance you might be seen I would advise some sort of disguise. If anyone sees enough of you to know who you are, kill them. The Raven will never forgive an injustice and if she is able she will hunt you down. The Frisian slaughters like a crazed animal. She is ruthless and savage. While I personally hope that the kills will involve the Frisian calling card, it would also be rather intriguing to see the scope of your abilities and how many directions it will point the Raven in terms of a perpetrator. Rattled Barons are the best Barons. As to what is in the box; keep it, give it to the Frisian, mail it to the Monarch. That part I leave up to you. Maybe there is nothing in the crate and there will be no guards and no win or gain. I can never be fully sure. [/color][/indent] [color=d3d3d3]In regards to the expansion in your abilities, well I had to get rather creative with those. To maintain it consistently is exhaustive. Plus, it is rather addictive and without the control, even if you master that, it is rather noticeable. I fear a large part of your necessity derives from being unnoticeable. That being said, on the reverse side of this page is a small magnetic clip. It is simply a beacon, a request. In and of itself it cannot increase your abilities, but I will be monitoring. To be honest, I have been monitoring you all and I chose you for a reason. You have drive and you have skills. You will be required to use your brains and brawn for this endeavor to be at all successful. You will have to work together, as a unit. At 12 Paludis Drive in West Ashley there is a house, furnished and currently unused. West Ashley is one of the least monitored of the Baronships. The Oracle heavily frowns upon any violence, and has strict treaties restricting other Barons from interfering or snooping. Nothing is completely safe, but it’s the best I could come up with. I would suggest meeting at the house on the night of the September 17th to give you enough time to create a plan. Keep your heads down and your ears open. I will leave the majority of the rest of the planning in your capable hands. [/color][/indent][/hider] [b]September 17th, 2016. 12 Paludis Drive, West Ashley, SC.[/b] [color=8c8c8c]Any map search will take you through a wealthy and secluded district off of the Ashley River. Stoplights and then stop signs fall away and the traffic seems nonexistent. Soon the sounds of the city completely fade behind a hum of insects, the weeping of the nearby river and the breeze whispering against autumn branches. The address was a metallic 1 2 placed on one of two columns that were parted by the rocky pebbles of a scrawling drive that looped around to closure in front of a generous victorian home. A staircase fell from the front door down to the path leading from the drive, placing the entry on the second level of the home. Wrapping around the entire second floor was a wood porch, complete with a couple of rocking chairs, miniature tables and ceiling fans. Taped to the front door is a note that reads: [i]“When I was young and rebellious I found that having a safe place of my own assisted greatly, and it is the least I can do. Consider it a gift to you all.”[/i] The home is unlocked and past the threshold is a wall with a thin table upon which rested sets of keys to the house, each labeled with the name of a vampire expected in attendance. To the right you’ll be greeted by an open concept floorplan with a minimalist kitchen, dining room and living room that housed a wasted bar in one corner. The furniture and rugs were dark, contrasting with pale walls and light wood flooring. Stairs with iron railing extended from the back of the living room area leading up to the third floor which seemed populated solely by bedrooms and bathrooms; four bedroom/bathroom sets that seemed to mirror one another and then a larger set at the rear. Turning to the left at the entrance of the second level reveals a hallway with doors along the right wall. The first door leads to a large half bath. The second is a set of french doors leading into a study, stocked with an odd collection of books that spanned a myriad of genres and time periods. There was an oak desk that spanned a solid seven feet that sat a comfortable distance from french doors that led to the deck at the back of the house. A few leather armchairs sat in various corners of the room, accompanied by varying piles of books placed close by. The final door off the hallway appeared dark and dense and contained no nob, but a pad containing the outline of a hand rested at its center. When pressed the door opened smoothly and lights flickered on in a downward progression revealing stairs. The bottom of the stairs faced a prison cell built into the corner, equipped with shackles and looking quite medieval. Turning to the right made the cell look even more out of place. The area did not sheer the medieval vibe, other than the fact it contained no windows and appeared to be a remodeled wine cellar. A few racks remained, containing wine bottle vessels filled with blood, labels hand scrawled with bottle dates, age and notable qualities. Most of them were bottled recently and gave the room a slightly metallic smell. But, there was a modern feel in the majority of the space. A pool table sat closest to the stairs and a poker table was a little closer to the back. On the other half of the large space was a work out mat, various weapons, gloves, weights and bars. Television sets catered to every chosen angle in the basement and another bar held the treasure trove of remotes. Along the back wall was a single door that opened into a hallway with twelve separate doors. These doors held sleeping units; minimalistic and closet sized. The hand locks on these doors were more intricate, touch initiated a programmable lock for a varied time frame to limit access from the hall without authorization of the original initiator of the lock.[/color]