[center][color=ed1c24][h1][u]Astaria[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [center][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/ce65/f/2007/240/3/2/moa___vampire_castle_by_atarts.jpg[/img][/center] Welcome to Astaria, a land of magic, fantasy and intrigue. I'm looking for a small party no more than four other players to take part in a somewhat traditional medieval fantasy RP. The main sources of inspiration for this RP include: The Elder Scrolls (particularly Skyrim, but bits of the other games too), Lord of the Rings, Greek and Roman Myth, and D&D 4th Ed (I know, it's not the best but it's what I've got). I'm leaving this quite open to new ideas for now, whilst I've got a few elements together I really want to make something that'll be fun for you the players. So please feel free to throw out any ideas you have and we can take a look at it. Here's some general information though just to get things started: [u]Races[/u] Humans Elves Halflings Dwarves Dragonborn (Half breeds between some of these races are possible, just run them by me first.) In addition characters may choose to suffer (or gain, depending on your perspective) from Vampirism or Lycanthropy. [u]Magic[/u] Magic is split into various schools, a mage who is skilled in destruction magic (fireballs, lightning bolts etc) may be completely useless in divination. Broadly speaking Mages won't know more than two schools of magic, although very powerful mages may pick up the odd lower tier spell from other schools here and there. [u]Character Creation[/u] In order to ensure that the party is somewhat balanced, I've included a list with the classes needed (fighter, mage, healer etc). You'll be able to put forward a character for any of the available roles on a first come first served basis. [hider=The World Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KVVFN4T.jpg[/img] [/hider] [u]Character Sheet[/u] Name: Physical Description: (You can use pictures, or a written description, or both) Race: Gender: Age: Class: Equipment: Bio: Personality: [u]Required Roles[/u] [s]Mage[/s] [s]Rogue[/s] [s]Warrior[/s] [s]Healer[/s] (These are very broad roles indeed, don't feel that your character needs to fit the classic archetype of any of these) [hr] [u]My Job as GM[/u] Most of you will probably know this stuff, but I thought I'd go over it in case as we've a few new people here. My job is basically to act as referee and chief storyteller, but above all else it is to give you a framework in which you can have awesome adventures. If there's something you don't like, or you get stuck writing a post, please don't hesitate to drop me a PM and we can work something out. This is all about having as much fun as we can, whilst making an awesome story. However, there are a few basic rules to be aware of: 1) No meta-gaming 2) No Gary-Stues 3) I'll control the NPC's in the majority of instances but there are exceptions (e.g. if you just want to kill a generic monster you don't need me to write that your attacks kills the monster stone dead, same if you're dealing with a merchant and so on). 4) Any rule decisions come down to me, if I think you're character is too OP, if you're ordering around the other players etc. I'll message you about it and we'll try to work something out, but GM decisions are final. Keep in mind however, I won't just make decisions without talking to you, GM rulings are always a two way street. 5) Keep it friendly, if your character loathes another character and wants to insult them, attacking them and generally be unpleasant to them that's fine. But what happens in character stays in character. Other than that have fun.