In between patrols Kilgaris had been trying to find time to sneak away unseen to see if he could discover anything..... interesting that might make him more powerful or lead him to any remanents of sith or jedi, however the patrols had kept him too busy. He had a hunch about the Siador guy but he decided that if he was a sith or jedi then Kilgaris would let Siador come to him. The girl Hueez made him a little uncomfortable as she was nearly always around him almost as if she were prying. Something also.... didn't feel right about her.... anyway she made him nervous. He saw the ship land in the distance but paid it no heed watching out for anything dangerous. It was times like these he thought about his sister and their order. He knew what he had to do and although in his heart he knew it was unpleasant he could ignore his heart and do his duty...