Okie dokey, here goes the first draft..let me know if any edits are needed [@Karos]! :) [hider=Meliya] [img]http://kingdomsofspellshore.pbworks.com/f/1449768093/Mel_1.jpg[/img] [b]Name: [/b] Lady Meliya Ardorion of Achyn Vale [b]Physical Description:[/b] Tall and slender like many of her race, standing at six foot five inches with well-defined cheekbones and bright ice-blue eyes. Her hair is straw blonde in colour and stops just below her shoulders, with natural curls/waves through it. Attire: (apologies for the slightly huge images, Idk how to resize them :$) "Casual" or otherwise every day attire can be seen in above picture Armour: [img]http://kingdomsofspellshore.pbworks.com/f/1449769149/elven_armor_by_shattan-d6u8akz.jpg[/img] [img]http://kingdomsofspellshore.pbworks.com/f/1449769159/il_fullxfull.586893798_oi4k.jpg[/img] [b]Race:[/b] Elf (Wood Elf) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 861, roughly [b]Class:[/b] Mage/Healer (can have her as either/or, depending on what is needed. Just let me know, essentially :3) [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] Bow and quiver (w/ arrows, of course! Arrows are usually enchanted unless her magic is blocked by a binding spell etc., substitute for a staff since she's just not the kind of character to carry a staff >:L) [*] Dagger (secondary weapon, not often used) [*] Pack (for carrying supplies e.g. food, water etc.) [*] Medicine pouch (for keeping various healing herbs/equipment/supplies; if she ends up being the healer of the party. If not, I can remove this from the list ;)) [*] Can't really be counted as "equipment" per se, but I usually have her with a hawk named Ialon as a companion, so if that fits ok with the rest of the setting/plot he'd be accompanying her too. [/list] [b]Bio: [/b] Her mother died during her birth due to complications, so Mel knows little of her except that she was a taleted markswoman and good with a bow. She was instead raised by her father, who insisted upon keeping her reigned in and under constant guard, as the young she-elf had the same headstrong spirit as her mother and, being the last he had of her, feared Mel may meet a sticky end if she were allowed to pursue the part of a warrior. At first, he intended for her to remain with him in their household and she received the same general education as many non-warrioresque elven maidens, learning of history and politics (though to the politics she paid very little heed as it bored her to death). At 500 years of age it was discovered that Mel had a talent for ice elemental magic when she accidentally froze part of her father's library after getting particularly excited in one of her lessons. After this, her father allowed her to train as a mage and learn to use her talents to her advantage, even allowing her to learn archery so she might defend herself in a battle with weapons should her magic ever be stunted for whatever reason. When she graduated from her lessons, her father gifted her with her mother's old bow and quiver, which are to this day still with her, and her most prized possessions. After much nagging and persuading, Mel managed to convince her father to allow her to travel and see the world, as she grew tired of the repetitiveness of her life in the Vale and constant skirmishes with the nearby goblins, and this is how we find her currently as she travels to try and meet other races and get to know the wider world better. I'd be interested to try and throw in an encounter with a vampire of some sort into her history too to work in the vampirism curse, potentially, but not sure how so might just leave her as is xD [b]Personality: Sarcastic | Untrusting | Loyal | Sharp-tongued/snappy | Compassionate | Sensitive [/b] Untrusting of newcomers/strangers, but once she comes to know someone or think of them as a friend you will not find a better or more loyal companion. You stick your neck out for her, she will reciprocate, essentially. Rather sharp-tongued and snappish, which can surprise some given her more lady-like upbringing in her early life; Mel is never short of a sarcastic quip or remark. It's best to learn quickly not to take most of them to heart, she often can't help it, being not a particularly patient individual. Despite being sarcastic a lot of the time, this elf can still be sensitive and compassionate to the plights of others, and is always looking to lend a hand to those in need, even if she has a peculiar way of showing it at times [/hider]